Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115/75 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 55/35#
10 Box jumps, 24/20 inch box
Today, in addition to our regular classes we will host a 1PM WOD (with the Kids from Steve's Club)...we will be doing this WOD in tandem with Kandahar CrossFit in Afghanistan and following the WOD in honor of MLK day the kids/adults will be writing letters to our military service members overseas!
"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jay E 7
Jen S 9
Lee 5
Kate 11
Mike C 10
Olan 9
Oleg 7
Sam B 9
Kurt 11
Megs 8
Chris S 7
Rob Ph 8
Jason L 9
Mike F 7
Mike T 9 (30")
Plentus 10
Aim/Cate 21
Danny 11
Steve L. 13
LP 9
Keith 8
KT 11
Shoeless 7
Doreen 8
Tony 10
Balmer 9
Bordon/Conn 7
Mike P 9 - 95#
Mark C 10 - 85#/35KB
Pat P 7 - 95#
Tidmore 9 - 75#/45#
Roni 9 - 35#
Mark B 8 - 95/45#
Krista 7 - 45/26#/65#"
Patrick 8 - 105#
DeeDee 8 - 65#
Katie FM 7 - 55/26#
Sandy 8 - 53#/17"
KSB 8 - 45#/17"
Kathleen 9 - 45#/step
Brian 7 - 105#
Gabe 8 - 105#
Mel 8 - DC (jerks)
JZ 8 - 85/45#
Sarah 8 - 33/18#/17"
Joe C 7 - 85/45#
Gina S 9 - 45/26#/17"
Rachael 8 - 45/26#/17"
Ditty 9 - 22DB
TP/Donk 20
Drew 6 - 35/95#/21"
Sharon 6 - 17"/55#
Tamas 6 - 95#
Doug 10 - 15#
Jackie 6 - 10mins/20DB/SU
Matt G. 6 - 75#/35
Flounder 7 - 75#
Rebecca S. 7 - 55#
Diego 6 - 75/53#
Becca 8 - 20#DB
Barb Z 9 - 26/18/35#/17"
Alexis 8 - 26/45#/17"
Susan 8 - 35/65#/21"
Kim 7 - 26/35/45/21"
Jordan 8 - 35/65/24"
Rhonda 10 - 26/35/13"
Beth O. 11 - 13/45#/17"
CC 7 - 25/53/20"
Conor 7 DC
Giovanni 7 -- 95#
Justin 6 -- 95#
Heather 11 --55#
Kate K 9 -- 53#
Akeem 7 -- 65#/45KB
Randy 6 -- 95#/45KB
Joe P 6 -- 95#/45KB
Faby 8 -- 95#
SC Kids:
Justin 11
Jimmy 11
Danielle 13
Andy 14
Josh 14
Will 8
Kevin 15
CJ 15
Danny 18
Brandon 12
Pedro 16
G 16

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115/75 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 55/35#
10 Box jumps, 24/20 inch box
Today, in addition to our regular classes we will host a 1PM WOD (with the Kids from Steve's Club)...we will be doing this WOD in tandem with Kandahar CrossFit in Afghanistan and following the WOD in honor of MLK day the kids/adults will be writing letters to our military service members overseas!
"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jay E 7
Jen S 9
Lee 5
Kate 11
Mike C 10
Olan 9
Oleg 7
Sam B 9
Kurt 11
Megs 8
Chris S 7
Rob Ph 8
Jason L 9
Mike F 7
Mike T 9 (30")
Plentus 10
Aim/Cate 21
Danny 11
Steve L. 13
LP 9
Keith 8
KT 11
Shoeless 7
Doreen 8
Tony 10
Balmer 9
Bordon/Conn 7
Mike P 9 - 95#
Mark C 10 - 85#/35KB
Pat P 7 - 95#
Tidmore 9 - 75#/45#
Roni 9 - 35#
Mark B 8 - 95/45#
Krista 7 - 45/26#/65#"
Patrick 8 - 105#
DeeDee 8 - 65#
Katie FM 7 - 55/26#
Sandy 8 - 53#/17"
KSB 8 - 45#/17"
Kathleen 9 - 45#/step
Brian 7 - 105#
Gabe 8 - 105#
Mel 8 - DC (jerks)
JZ 8 - 85/45#
Sarah 8 - 33/18#/17"
Joe C 7 - 85/45#
Gina S 9 - 45/26#/17"
Rachael 8 - 45/26#/17"
Ditty 9 - 22DB
TP/Donk 20
Drew 6 - 35/95#/21"
Sharon 6 - 17"/55#
Tamas 6 - 95#
Doug 10 - 15#
Jackie 6 - 10mins/20DB/SU
Matt G. 6 - 75#/35
Flounder 7 - 75#
Rebecca S. 7 - 55#
Diego 6 - 75/53#
Becca 8 - 20#DB
Barb Z 9 - 26/18/35#/17"
Alexis 8 - 26/45#/17"
Susan 8 - 35/65#/21"
Kim 7 - 26/35/45/21"
Jordan 8 - 35/65/24"
Rhonda 10 - 26/35/13"
Beth O. 11 - 13/45#/17"
CC 7 - 25/53/20"
Conor 7 DC
Giovanni 7 -- 95#
Justin 6 -- 95#
Heather 11 --55#
Kate K 9 -- 53#
Akeem 7 -- 65#/45KB
Randy 6 -- 95#/45KB
Joe P 6 -- 95#/45KB
Faby 8 -- 95#
SC Kids:
Justin 11
Jimmy 11
Danielle 13
Andy 14
Josh 14
Will 8
Kevin 15
CJ 15
Danny 18
Brandon 12
Pedro 16
G 16
Jay E 7
Jen S 9
Lee 5
Mike P 9 - 95#
Mark C 10 - 85#/35KB
Pat P 7 - 95#
Tidmore 9 - 75#/45#
Roni 9 - 35#
Thank you to everyone (Steph, Donkey, Aimee...) that put together the Steve's Club WOD today. I think it was a great way to get a workout and be a part of something bigger than us, thank you for letting me be a part of it with you.
I wish I had been off today to do that WOD with the kids and Crossfit Kandahar. What a great idea!! Way to go Donkey, Steph, Aimee and everyone else involved!
6:30 Class
Tony 10
Balmer 9
Bordon/Conn 7
Conor 7 DC
Giovanni 7 -- 95#
Justin 6 -- 95#
Heather 11 --55#
Kate K 9 -- 53#
Akeem 7 -- 65#/45KB
Randy 6 -- 95#/45KB
Joe P 6 -- 95#/45KB
Faby 8 -- 95#
Thanks all around today.
Steph, you truly have some amazing ideas and ability to bring this already cohesive community further together.
Today's event brough together the Steve's Club Kids of both Camden and King of Prussia as well as CrossFitters of CF Kandahar and CF KoP. With the technology of Skype from across the globe we completed the workout together.
Thank you all for your generous donations; we will be sending a big care package to our Troops in Kandahar Afghanistan (with what they requested - Chalk!).
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