

Back Squat 

Cash out:
25 Hang Power Snatch (55/75#)
50 Back Squats (65/95#)
25 Hang Power Snatch (55/75#)

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM- Saturday and Sunday will be held at the Lyons Den- 555 W Beidler Rd, KOP. 
For class on Saturday bring a ruck, weight vest or backpack - we are going on a RUCK!

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses — only results.” —Ken Blanchard


Colette said...

Colette 235 3:08rx
Erini 140 5:58 55#
Aimee 155 6:17rx
Cate 155 4:23 rx
Jackie 160 5:55rx
Mary 95 6:40 45#
Em 100 5:08 55# (35 back squats)
Jen 93 9:37 45/35#
Ethan 195 7:05 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Dana D 130 9:02 rx
Gordy 240 PR! 4:39 75# BS/35 KBS
Rich A 300 4:41 rx
Meredith 155 7:19 rx
Megs 135 5:43 35/65#

Mark Spak said...


Tucker 155 9:30 75
Brennan 100 8:30 45
Shannon 205 4:44 Rx
Subhan 200 7:43 Rx
Brian 245 4:58 Rx
Alex 205 5:19RX
Tracy 75 7:20 55 45 snatch
Matt P. 205 6:30 75
Larissa 75 7:41 45
Christina 35 9:30 35
Kevin 185 9:41 75

Aimee Lyons said...

Jeff 335 5:10 rx
Julia 140 6:00 55#
Karen 175 7:33 rx
Mike 175 safety squat 8:20 65#
Ben 315 5:28 rx
Freaky 140 6:24 rx
Bettie 85 6:14 26 KB swing/goblet squat
Graaaace 185 4:04 rx
Josh Mc 205 safety squat 7:56 75/85#

Grace Hibler said...


Seth: 275# / 7:54 75#
Danielle: 155# / 7:34 33# 65# BS
Rakshit: 242# / 7:06 RX
Sravan: 167# / 10:28 55#
Sai: 65# / 14:00 33#/45#
Nick: 145# / 10:22 65/75#
Dan: 135# / :)
Greg: 225# / 7:57 RX