

For time:
40 GHD Sit-ups
40 DB Snatch (50/70#)
10 Burpee Box jump overs (20/24")
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 DB snatch (50/70#)
10 Burpee Box jump overs (20/24")
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 DB snatch (50/70#)
10 Burpee Box jump overs (20/24")

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 2 Seminar this Weekend at CFKOP
Classes on 9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday will be at the Lyons Den - 555 W Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”—Albert Einstein


Taylor W said...

14:04 35# AB
Yorman 18:54 20" 30#
Em G 15:56 25 ghd 35#
Care K 15:25 40#
Jackie 15:26 30# a burpee
Mary 15:13 30-25-20 GHD 25# 17"
Pam 14:00 40# stepovers
Monica 14:34 20# 17"
Bettie 15:38 aburpee 25#
Nick 16:30 50# 20"

ana 13:58 40#
Gordy 14:42 situps 40# 20"
Carl 15:05 rx
mega 15:19 17" step 30#
Kev H 15:42 55#
Meredith 16:08 35# step
Rich 16:39 rx

Taylor W said...

JPJR 13:55 rx
Grace 15:00 rx
Matty B 16:07 ab 50#
Edwin 13:44 35# 20" situps
Grayson 16:38 20#
General M 16:15 50#
Freaky 19:18 rx
Greg 21:07 rx

Bay 20:03 40#
Scientist 18:15 rx
Danielle G 18:23 rx
DC 18:35 15# 13" step
Sandra 18:35 15# situps
Eric 17:56 55# situps
Seth 19:11 step 17" situps

Mark Spak said...


6 AM
Jordan 15:35 ab 20” 35#
Alex 15:45 1/2 ghd 1/2 ab, 50#, stepover
Julia 13:55 40# Abby
Larissa 15:48 25#
Shannon 16:14 Rx
Kristen 16:14 35# abmat