

3 RM Power Clean

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7:
7 Medball Cleans (20/30#)
7 Slam-balls (20/30#)

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.23.24

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 2 Seminar this Weekend at CFKOP
Classes on 9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday will be at the Lyons Den - 555 W Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

“In the end we retain from our studies only that which we practically apply.”
—Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


Keith B said...


Julia 150 15#fs
Jess 125 7+7 15#sb
Tori 105 7+8 15#sb
Colette 170 11+3 Rx
Bryan 235 6+2 Rx
Brian 215 9+5 Rx
Alex 235 PR 8 Rx
Subhan 167.2 6+1 Rx
Kristen 120 PR! 8+5 Rx

Colette said...

Monica 75 8 10#mbc
Gillian 85 8+7rx
Mary 110 7+4 14# 15#
Em 115 7+3rx+ 25#sb
Jackie 95 (practice) 8+4 14# 10#
Aimee 123 9+3 15#sb
Cate 145 8 rx+ 25#sb

Aimee Lyons said...

Masters !:00pm

Kathy #10 MBC, 6 rounds #10/#15
Gordy #170 PR!, 8+2 #20/#20
GiGi #45, 6 rounds
Keith #205, 9+7 #20/#30
Richard #65 PR!, 5 rounds #6/#10
Deb #32 PR!, 5 rounds #10/#8
Alicia #105 PR!, 7 rounds #14/#20
Lee #75 PR!, 8 rounds #10/#10

Aimee Lyons said...

Geoff 175 7
Erini 105 9+3
Matty Bo 205 7+3
Rich A 242 8+4
Pam 155 9+7 25# SB
Edwin 160 7+3
Yorman 80
Megs 95 7+11
Sarah M 72 + 9
Evan 185 5+2
Shannon 165 10+2 25# SB

Ben Shipley said...


Eric 195 7 RX
Seth 209 7 RX
Danielle C 105 7+4 RX
Danielle G 150 8+3 RX+ 25#SB
Chao 105 7+13 RX
Nina 52.5 5 RX
Freaky 125 9 RX
Greg 235 8+5 RX
Julia 160 8+12 RX+ 25#SB

Aimee Lyons said...


Jeff #275 PR!, 8+5 #30/#30 rx
Matt #175, 8+1 #30/#30
Grace #165, 7+5 #20/#30
Karen #125, 8+7 #14/#15
Mike #175, 8+7 #20/#20