
Congratulations to Paul

our October Athlete of the month

Get to Know Paul. – Q &A:
Hometown: Berwyn, PA
Current Location: Phoenixville, PA
Age: 23
Occupation: CrossFit KOP Coach in training!
College: Penn State

How long have you been a CrossFitter?
I started coming to KOP January 2011.

Did you ever play sports?
I played just about everything when I was younger. As I got older I stuck to Lacrosse. 

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit?
Double-Unders! Whenever a WOD came up that had DU's in them I would have to do 3x SU's. Next day, could not walk. Now I can string 30-40 consistently, and am working on getting on that 100 DU board. 

What do you feel that you still need to work on?
Everything. Get stronger, really work on my OLY lifts, and work on my lung capacity. (Tim's Endurance class, here I come)

Goals for the rest of this year?
100 DU's, OHS body weight. 

What's your favorite WOD?
Cindy is my main squeeze. Elizabeth is a close second. 

What is the craziest insane workout outside of CF you have ever done?
When I went up to Maine for vacation this past summer. Murph, with a little something extra. 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 200 situps, 100 JMU's, 1 mile run. Figured I had no vest, so had to add something spicy. 

What’s your least favorite WOD?
Fran. I hate thrusters......a lot. 

What’s your favorite lift?
Deadlift. Next question please.

What’s your least favorite lift?
 OHS. Just because I suck at it. 

What skill do you want to work on in 2012 the most ?
I would like to get a Muscle Up. It is driving me crazy that I have not gotten one yet. At the end of the day I want to work on getting those 100 DU's, and turn my kryptonite (OHS) into my strength. 

What's your favorite foods, and snacks?
Wings, and Bacon. Always trying to find the hottest wings out there. I want to burn. Also, did I say Bacon?

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?
It might be weird, but I am addicted to compression leggings. I love spandex. Also my wrist wraps have been a savior. 

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF?
Heres a little story. Before I started CrossFit, I locked myself out of my house. I remembered that I left my deck sliding door open, and just had to get on my deck. Unfortunately my deck is 20 feet up in the air. I kept trying to climb and pull myself up, but just could not jump high enough, nor did I have the strength to pull myself up over the deck. I had to call the locksmith and pay $150+ to get into the house. I felt worthless. A few months into CrossFit, I locked myself out again. This time I jumped, gripped that deck, and easily pulled myself up. I stood up and gave that deck a Stone Cold Steve Austin middle finger, and said to myself... CrossFit is the best. 

Who is your favorite coach?
Lets be realistic, I love all of my coaches. Every single one of you have your own unique skills and techniques that makes all of us better athletes.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?...
Deadlift 415x5... Man I have not PR'd in a little while. Time to pick it up. I just want to consistently come in with a good attitude, and give everything I have in every WOD. It is such an honor to be recognized as the AOTM.
When I got the news, I was speechless. I want to give a shout out to the KOP Women. What you ladies do, blows my mind. It's not just about the weight you lift, or the times you post. There is something special about all of you. There is a subtle confidence that all of you have that quite frankly, scares the shit out of me. I think CrossFit does that for women, and its beautiful. KOP has so many amazing athletes, and I love crushing WOD's with all of you.

Favorite Quote?
I am not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.
-Michael Jordan

Final days of the Nutrition Challenge

Who's still in the nutrition Challenge? Were you able to make it the whole month?

Our Final day is Wednesday 10/3. Please turn your journals in on Wednesday or email the log to Aimee...all submissions MUST be in by Wednesday evening at 8:30PM. The WOD for Wednesday will be our baseline nutrition WOD from 9.3.12. In order for a team or individual to WIN there are three components (WOD results, Nutrition Log, Body composition Change). Grand Prize winners will be announced on Thursday. 

If anyone would like to get their new measurements taken, I'll be available on Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:15.


Congratulations to Jason, Flounder, KT and Rebecca who did the 2012 Dogfish Dash! 

Congratulations to Tim who finished the Chesapeakeman aqua-velo: Ironman distance swim and bike, in preparation for the Ironman in November.

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
10 Thrusters (75/115#)

Check out our Gym:
CrossFit King of Prussia - Gym Tour featured in the CrossFit Journal.

Community Notes:
Open Gym has moved from Thursday to Sunday. This begins (ASAP) Sunday, 10/7 from 11-1PM will be our first Sunday Open Gym. There will be NO open gym this coming Thursday 10/4.

Endurance class is Monday, at 10/1 at 5:30pm @ UMHS track

"You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life."
-Les Brown

Ryan B. 4Rds 2AB/115#
Nina 4Rds AB/SB/75#
Gina 5Rds SB/55#
Mike S. 4Rds SB/65#
Brian D. 5Rds SB/65#
Kelvin 6Rds SB/75#
Roni 4Rds Ab/55#
King 6Rds 2Ab/95#
Bekah 5Rds 60#
Chip 6rds - stinkbugs/backsquats sub
Lam 3rds - abmat/95#
Jay E 4rds Rx
Peter 4rds - scale hspu/95#
Mel 6 44KBS 75
Arin 4 60 ab/plate
Vinnie 3 63 2ab/sb
Joe C 3 95 ab
Mike Fab 4 115 SB/kickup
WW 6 75rom sb
Gene 3 Rx
Patrick 4 75
Matt G 75 SB
Dee 4 53 2ab
Kenny 3 95 ab
Sharon 4 55 SB
Manisha 4 35 Box
Kate C 3 Rx
Kathleen 6 45 box
Kara 6 - 35#/ ROM
Steph 5- 75#/SB
Barb 4 - 55#/kick up
Nick Z 4- 95#/ ROM
Mike W 4 - 95#/ROM
Sarah W 7 - 25#/box
Kim C 5 - 33#/SB
Susan 4 - 55/ROM
Chris T 6 - 35#/ ROM
Aimee 6 Rx
Keith 5 Rx
Diego 3 - 95#/ 1 abmat
Schaefer 3 - 115/SB
Mark B 5-75#/SB PP
Jen S 2 - 75#/1AB
Jessie 4 - 45#/ ROM
Joy 4 - 50#/SB ROM
Sam B 5 (95#)
Paul S 3 Rx
Ben S 5 (45)
Matt B 4 (box,95)
Andrew 3 (75,abmat)
Ann B 5 (35#,box)
Faith B 6 (25#, box)
Mike P 3 (95#,abmat)
Al Vasq. 5 Rx
Al S. 3, Rx
Oliver 6 Rx




150 Kettebell Swings (35/55#)
*at the top of each minute complete 2 burpees and 10 Double Unders

CrossFit good for Kids by L. Pappas  

"We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve."
-Maxwell Maltz

Manisha 13:48 26 su
Mike T 10:43 Rx
Jerry 10:36 35
Faby 13:43 su
Steve W 12:58 35 su
Erika 11:57 35 su
Oleg 13:42 su
Jessi 12:45 su 18
Mark B 11:43 su 44
Francie 13:00 su 26



Hang Squat Snatch

on the minute for 7 minutes complete 3 hang squat snatches at 80% of your 1RM

Community Notes:
Happy Birthday to my Mom (aka GiGi), behind the scenes she makes this all possible. I thank you and I love you more than words can express. 

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
-Frank A. Clark

(Some may be HPS)
Shoe 155
Jerry Form
Calvin 150 form
Jim 152.5
Stasie 65
Arin 73
Heather 55 form
Erika 73
Tracy 70.5
Becca 60
Lam form
Rinat 115
Ryan 210 HPS
Bekah 80
Jason B form
Jackie 70
Stephanie 93



"Tabata Fight Gone Bad"

Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises:
Wall-ball 14/20 pound ball, 9/10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 55/75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump 20" box (Reps)
Push-press 55/75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

There is no additional rest between exercises.
Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.

“Well, if it can be thought, it can be done, a problem can be overcome”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Jay E 31 Rx
Bekah 28 Rx
Cris 36 Rx
Ellie 21 Sc
Becca 40 1/2 Sc
Roni 27 Rx
Mike P 35 Rx
KT 36 rx
Brian D 29 Sc
Steve M 20 Sc
Kim G 22 Rx
Dianne L 31 Sc
Peter 38 Rx
Chip 48 1/2 Rx
Al 40 Rx
Kim C 27 sc
Peter O 26 rx
Mike W 27 rx
Sarah W 25 sc
Barb 24 rx
Amanda 25 sc
Lisa 25 sc
Ryan 48 rx
Chris 25 sc
Kara 26 sc
Mike T 41 rx
Jess 24 rx
Jim C 34 Rx
Jess 29 Rx
Dorothy 34 (GobSq/KBS)
Burnsey 35 RX
Renee 32 ROMWB
Heather 30 (17")
Jeremy 20 RX
Anja 26 (45/12/17")
Schaefer 41 RxVest
Mark B 32 RX
Breanna 27 rx
Rachael 24 rx
Alexis 20 rx
Chris a 29 rx
Mike fab 30 rx
King 34 rx
Joy 28 rx
Balmer 41 rx
AJ 28 rx
Manisha 27 scale
Shawn 30 rx
Diego 26 rx
Derrick 32 rx
Oleg 30 rx
Faby 40
Keith L 16 scale
Kyle B 23 scale
Liz 29 scale
Andrew 27 rx
Sam B 29 rx
Vinny: 40
Dan L: 38
Vinnie: 26 ROM
Ben: 35
Arin: 23
Brian R: 31
Kate C: 39
WW: 16
Patrick: 35
Justin R: 32
Faby: 34
Diane: 35



Three rounds for time of:
15 Overhead squats (65/95#)
10 L Pull-ups
15 Split-jerk (65/95#)
10 Knees to elbows
15 Hang cleans (65/95#)
10 Toes to bar
“Always follow your dreams, even if they lead you down a few dark alleys.”
 ― Teresa Mummert

KT 23:06 (DHB)
Klutch 26:19 Rx
Jay E 27:53 (DHB)
Cris 29:45 (LSitAtt&DH)
Mike P. 32:22 Rx
Rebecca 28:46 (55/Scale)
Kim G 33:20 (55/Scale)
Mike S 34:47 (53/DHB)
Gina 23:54 (55/Scale)
Mike W. 38:12 (65/95/Lsit,DH &B)
Chip 34:32 (lsitAtt&DH)
Mark C 26:26 (75/Lsitatt&DH)
Burnsey 31:48 Rx
Dianne 37:59 (35/scale)
Ryan B. 31:20 (DHB)
Barb 24:30 (40/scale)
Beth- Ouchie
Mike T :-) Rx
Schafer 33:40 RxVest
Becky 43:09 Rx
Rob Ph 21:22 ROM
King 27:07 DH
Jen S 27:16 DH
Diane P 26:01 scale
Joy 26:25 scale
Diego 26:59 95 pvc ohs
Roman 28:46 65
Faby 31:40 DH
Mel 17:19 2 Rnds 44KBS Back extension
Anne 27:54 scale
Fayth 25:02 scale
Ben 32:44 65 bent knee L
Miranda 28:39 DHB
Oleg 30:24 DH
Sean 33:00 scale
Damien DNF torn hands
Paul S 27:16 Rx
Calvin 28:32 105 ROM
Derreck 33:51 scale
Kate C 27:40 DH
Francie 35:00 Cap scale
Dan L 24:56 85
Patrick 28:09 ROM
Kenny 35:00 Cap scale
Kathleen 28:37 scale
Tim McC 33:26 Rx
Gene 29:24 105
Coxhead 19:03 Rx
Keith 23:44 Rx



5 Rounds for time of:
200M Overhead Plate Carry 25/45#
200M Farmers Carry (choose a weight that will challenge you)
200M Run

“Convince your enemy that he will gain very little by attacking you; this will diminish his enthusiasm”
― Sun Tzu

Kelvin 22:13 (25/44Kb)
Brian D 29:41 (25/35db)
Roni 22:14 (30db)
Lam 34:10 (45kb)
Mike P 33:16 (110#)
Nina 28:15 (45db)
Lauren 24:56 (35kb)
Ryan B 30:33 (65db)
King 30:35 (60db)
Mike S 27:48 (35/35kb)
Arin 33:05 (35)
Susan 25:40 (35)
Schaefer 29:15 (65,+vest)
WW 27:07 (53)
Alexis 31:43 (15/35)
Jess C. 31:34 (44)
Chris 30:22 (35/45)
Alison 29:35 (45)
Heather 23:17 35db
Anja 24:10 15#/26kb
Vinnie 28:08
Justin R 24:57 45#
Rob Ph 30:22 70#
Peterson 26:02 35#/55kb
Mike Fab 31:04 45#/53kb
Rachael 28:00 26kb/row
Byrnsey 27:59 70kb
Tidmore 20:15 30/35
Samson 27:01 35/35
Pete W 27:48 45/55
Bre 28:16 35/35
Mark B 25:42 35/45
Tim H 25:40 25/35
Gene 34:16 45/100
Luke 33:12 35/35
Calvin 28:16 45/60
Kate C 32:31 25/45
Flounder 28:59 35/45
Sandy 30:14 25/20
Brian R 31:21 45/45
Kenny 35:11 45/40
Ditty 25:25 20/20
Jackie 25:28 20db
Michelle S 25:57 15/15
Steve W 27:13 45/40
AJ 27:48 45/55
Oleg 30:24 45/55
Stasie 28:?? 26kb
Rebecca 27:13 25/45
Sean C 27:12 45/70
Kathy G 28:49 15/15
Leslie 25:08 15/20
Damien 32:33 45/70
Sean D 37:52 45/53



The Pappi and Plenti take on Machu Picchu

Shoulder Press:

AMRAP in 7 minutes
5 Shoulder Press (@60% of your 1RM)
10 Front Squats (using the same weight as above)
20 Double Unders

Community Notes:
Who's tried the ALBA meals, they are great! orders in by Friday...Meals by the next Thursday.

Restaurant Alba is offering prepared meals to go.  "Inspired Meals by Alba" is a new line of pre-packaged healthy meals designed and produced by Restaurant Alba of Malvern Pennsylvania. All items are packed in microwaveable containers and can be frozen. They are made with whole foods such as local and seasonal vegetables and grass-fed meats with a heavy use of organics.

Click here to see the list. Print out the list and if you choose to order place it in the envelope at the box with your check or cash at the box by Friday.

"Festivus" will be on 12/6 this year, starting at 5PM!
For those of you new to CFKoP Festivus is our Holiday party, not to be missed...details will follow. 

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”
 ― Molière

Rebecca 75, 5 rnds
Bekah 75, 3
Lauren Merr. 70, 3
Gina 65, 4
Roni 70, 4
Nina 100, 6
K.T. 85, 4
King 135, 4
Ryan B 220, 2
Brian D 85, 3
Cris 115, 3
Rinat 125, 5
Lindsey 75, 3
Chris 65, 4
Kara 65, 3
Barb 73, 3
Susan 80, NA
Nick 115, 6
Mike 115, 5
Peter O 115/135x1, 4
Sarah W 68x2
Steph V 115, 3
Amanda 63, 2
Rinat 125, 5
Lindsey 75, 3
Chris 65, 4
Kara 65, 3
Barb 73, 3
Susan 80, NA
Nick 115, 6
Mike 115, 5
Peter O 115/135x1, 4
Sarah W 68x2, 1
Steph V 115, 3
Amanda 63, 2
Dan M 95, 3
Mark S 105PR, 2DUA
Paul F 175, 3SU
Sharon 85, 3
Schaefer 165, 5
Justin R. 145, 3
JZ 105, 4 su
WW 125, 4 su
Ben 105 PR, 4
Olan 135, 3
Travis 100, 5 su
Roman 120, 5 su
Keith 135, 8
Dan L 150, 5
Gene 175, 4 su
Kyle 115, 4
Diane 100, 3 su
Miranda 85, 5
Mel 100, 3 kb
Jim C 132.5, 4
Patrick 160, 3
Ditty 75, 2
Tim H 130, 3 su
Jess S 63, 3
Paul form, 5
Kathleen 60, 5
Oliver 165- 7
Mark W. 93- 2
John C. 135-6
Denise 75-4
Alison 105-4
Stasie 45-3 (SU??)
Derreck 185-2
Klutch 145-6
Tim Mc 145-4
Al 185 ouchie-3
Damien 175-3
Sean C. 145-5
Jeremy 95-3 DUA
Linda 70-3 DUA
Leslie 65-3 DUA/SU



Seven rounds for time of:
3 Forward rolls
5 Wall climbs*
7 Toes to bar
9 Box jumps, 30" box

WOD Demo with CrossFit 215 - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Extended workout footage - video [wmv] [mov
*Note the video these are the "wall climbs" where you walk up the wall.

Community Notes:
Are you coming to our BIG 4 Year Anniversary Party at CFKoP??
We hope so...everyone is invited!

CLICK HERE for more details and for the flyer...or read below:

CrossFit King of Prussia is celebrating 4 years and we want you to join us, work out for a great cause and raise some money for (FARA). Kyle Bryant, a member of Crossfit KOP, was diagnosed at 17 with Friedreich's Ataxia (FARA is the alliance who funds research for this disease). The Crossfit Journal recently featured Kyle in an inspirational video documenting not only his story but showing the community that is Crossfit.


The WOD:
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Pullups
10R/10L Single Arm DB Thrusters (25/40)
15 Burpees

There will be a Competitive, Social, and Kids Division.
Prizes awarded for the top Male and Female in the competitive division.

To Benefit: FARA ( Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance)
Cost: $30 donation at the door and a free t-shirt and beer.
We will have many raffles, door prizes and other awesome surprises.
Please register by 10/15/12 to guarantee your size will be available the day of.
Register by emailing crossfitkopfundraiser@gmail.com.
Registration starts at 8:00am, Standards at 9:00AM with the first wod kicking off around 9:15am.

Spectators, Friends, Family and Visitors are welcome, consider it an open house if you have never done CrossFit!

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.”
― George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren's Profession

Kelvin 21:39 ROM 25"
Brian D. 22:04 ROM 24"
Gina 22:24 ROM 21"
KT 19:00 25"
Wax 19:22 Rx
Kim G. ROM 21"
Lam 22:40 Rx
Bekah 20.01 ROM 21"
Mike T 13:53 Rx
Lauren M 26:12 (21", wall scale)
Jay E 32:16 (side rolls, 28")
Nina 30:34 (wall scale)
Beth O 29:32 ROM 24"
Chip 24:05 Rx
Nick Z 19:38 ROM
Liz O 20:00 scale
Peter O 23:27 Scale
Barb Z 23:28 scale
Theresa :-)
Kara 21:50 scale
Chris T 21:42 scale
Megs 20:03 scale
Susan 21:19 rom 25"
Rinat 23:04 Rx
Kim C 22:41 scale
Keith 16:17 Rx
Becky 15:23 Rx
Aimee 14:55 toes through rings
Jessie DNF
Joy 22:08 scale
Rachael 26:38 21"
Justin R 26:38 ROM
Diego 22:05 ROM
Sharon 30:35 Scale
Becca 14:58 Scale
Mark B 19:17 28" scale
Manisha 26:46 24 scale
Flounder 25:00 ROM 25"
Denise 26:19 T2B ROM wall scale 30"
Patrick 22:28 Rx
Oleg 22:29 24"
Calvin 24:00 T2B ROM
Gene 18:17 Rx+ 34"
Jessi 24:20 20" scale
Dan L 21:00 Rx
Kate C 22:28 Rx
Shawn 25:43 GHDs
Kyle Bryant 31:27 Scale
Lisa C 21:57 (kb holds)
Lizzie 23:09 scaled
Jackie H 19:11 scaled
Paul S 15:29 32"box
Conn 22:34 rom wallwalks
Schaefer 17:12 Rx
Ben 21:17 Rx
A.J. 31:20
Andrew 26:34
Pam 17:29 scale 24"box
Derrick 28:55 Rx wall
Al 28:58
Anne 19:?? (5Rds, ROM, 13")
Fayth 19:27 (ROM 13")
Arin 30:54 (Rx)
WW 25:30 (30" ROM)
Vinnie 28:46 (Chest ROM)
Fab 27:13 (ROM 25")
Ph 22:54 (ROM 25")
Olan 25:55 (Rx)
Steph 26:00 (scale)
Brynsie 19:57 (Rx)




Three Rounds for time of:
8 Split Snatch (75/115#) (alternating legs on the split)
7 Bar Muscle Ups*
Run 400 Meters

*Scale according to level and ability to Muscle ups or Pull-ups.

"Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off." 
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Rx Results:
Aimee 19:53 Rx
John C. 11:38 Rx

Scale Results:
Francie 13:52 (hang split snatch, wood + 25#, band PU)
Peter 10:54 (95#, C2B)
Barb 15:04 (40#, PU ROM)
Peterson 10:28 (95#, C2B)
Lindsey 16:28 (35# snatch, band, row)
Jen S. 15:44 (C2B ROM)
Beth 16:42 (353, PU- ROM (no band!!!)
Manisha 15:58 (30#, band)
Kim C. 14:42 (35#, DHPU with band)
Kate C. 11:08 (55# OHS, DHPU)
Jim C. 15:44 (BMU attempts, got 2/21)
Kathy G. 15:30 (35#, band)
Matt G. 15:46 (95#, C2B ROM)
Megs 13:26 (65#, C2B)
Stasie 16:07 (40#, band)


...is moving from Thursday to Sunday starting in October. The first Sunday of each Month (unless otherwise notified) will now be open gym. This will allow for a 2 hour open gym from 11-1PM. Open gym is a FREE class that we offer members once a month to come in and work on a skill, strength or any WOD missed or something you may have recently read about! Since there won't be a kids class and barbell class coinciding you should have more room to do your WOD's and the two hour window will also allow for more time for some longer workouts. 
If you have any questions or concerns please email crossfitkop@gmail.com.


Teams of two will complete the following for time: 

1000 Meter Row

Deadlifts (155/225)
Dumbbell Push Jerk 35#/50#

1000 Meter row

Coaches Notes:
As a team both athletes will get one rower (one loaded barbell and one set of Dumbbells)*.  To start the WOD the Team will share the work load however necessary to get to 1000M.  After the Row is completed both athletes move to the  "21-15-9" complex.  Athlete "a" will complete 21 deadlifts then Athlete "b" completes 21 deadlifts; next Athlete "a" completes 21 DB Push Jerks and then Athlete "b" completes 21 DB Push Jerks and so on until the work is done. Both athletes share the work on the rower again and when the counter reaches 1000M (the WOD is complete). *If there is a mixed gender team there maybe two sets of Barbells and Dumbbells.

"Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence." 

Ryan B/Wax 15:16 Rx
KT/Alison 17:26 Rx
Jackie/Ellie 17:45 115/20
Scott/Jason 20:41 185/35
Calvin/Rinat 19:39 45#
Andrea/Diane 22:06 115/25, Rx
Nick C/Balmer 19:28 Rx
Justin R./King 19:07 185/45,50
Manisha/Anja 16:47 95/10# run
Ditty/Megs 17:26 135/30,25 run
Denise/Jess C 20:26 145/25
Kim G/Arin 21:11 115/25
Flounder/Jerry 19:37 185/35
Derreck/Patrick 21:20 Rx
Matt B/Jeremy 23:03 165/35

CFKoP in the NEWS

Click here to check us out on CBS 3 with Stephanie Stahl!

...And Click here to read about our CFKids program in PhillyMag.



 How could this over head position be better?


AM(Reps)AP in 5 minutes:
5R/5L Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (25/40#)
5 Burpees

Coaches Notes:
 The Thruster will be taken from the ground. In the Cash Out complete all Right Arm Thrusters before moving to the left side.

"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
-Muhammad Ali

Becca 75 52 (20#/PBurpee)
Roni 100PR 90rx
Kim G. 83PR 47rx
Jay 245 70rx
Wax 175 115rx
KT 130 90rx
Mike S. 115 54(30#)
Recca 110PR 73rx
Balmer 180 90rx
Lauren 90PR 74rx
Healther 93 60rx
Nick 175PR 73rx
Peter 155PR 91rx
Lisa A 85PR/66@20#
Mike W 175 PR/56rx
Chris T 70/60@20#
Susan B 100#/65@35#
Kim C 85#PR/65@20#
Bre 85# pr/65@20#
Jessie 73#pr/70@15#
Kara 80#/60@20#
Amanda 80#/53@20#
Susie 45#/60@12#
Dawn 72PR/42@20/25#
Mark C 160PR/70@35/40
Andrea 95#
Sharon 115#
Mark S 120PR/75 @35#
Byrnsie 185#PR/71 Rx
Ryan B  265 PR/87 Rx
Keith B 215PR/91 Rx
Joy 95PR/67 @25
King 175#/76 @ 40
Schaefer 195#PR/81 @ 40
Gene 210 PR/79
Diego 165 PR/62
Olan 185/70
Justin H. 165/83
Jen S. 130 PR/83
Kate form 110/90
Andrew 115/73@30
Tim H. 145 rack/55
Jess S. 100/71@20
Denise 105PR/62
Sandy 85/68@20
Tai 45/59@15
Paul 185/75
Ben 125/67@35
Tim McC 165/88
Randy 130/50@25
Kyle 140/77

Have you checked out our "WESTSIDE" Classes yet?



Power cleans (95/135#)
Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
Slam Balls (choose weight according to level and ability)

Community Notes:
Paleo Pot Luck on Friday, 9/21 from 6:30-9:00PM, bring a dish of choice and recipe to share. 

“Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of character but strengthen it...Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” 
-James Buckham - Writer, Author

Rebecca 16:17 85#
Bekah 14:30 75#
Kim G 16:23 78# 15SB
Mike S 19:45 95#/44
Klutch 14:57 115#
Kristin S 14:29 55#/26/20
Lauren M 75/35/15
Nina 12:36 95/35/20
Dan M 14:02 95/35/15
Mike W 15:43 94/44/25
Nick C 16:38 115/55/25
Gene 17:40 Rx+150/55
Calvin 16:14 Rx
Ben 16:44 95/45
Paul S 13:14 Rx
Derreck 17:51 Rx
Vinny 12:25 Rx
Oleg 17:12 Rx
Stacy 15:39 65/35
Stasie 17:28 55/26
Jess S 13:27 65/35
Erika 13:30 85/35
Kathleen 13:58 60/35
Albert 10:15 115/55
Miranda 17:38 Rx
Manisha 18:10 55/35
Diane 16:34 Rx
Keith 15:57 Rx 30#SB
Steph V 12:40 Rx 25#SB
Chris A 17:47 10//45/25
Ryan 10:04 Rx 30#SB
Dianne 18:38 53/26/10
Heather 10:25 65/35/15
Schaefer 15:00 Rx +70KB/35#SB
Jonathan 14:47 scale
Nick Z 13:37 115/44/20
Aimee 10:00 Rx
Kate C. 9:06 scale
Tanner 13:59 Rx
Rob Ph. 13:53 Rx
Pete W. 15:15 115#
Diego 16:48 115#
Joy 12:33 65#
Olan 15:18 115#
Lindsay P. 13:15 45/26
Sharon ouchie
Megs 13:17 85#
Joe C. 15:25 115#
Travis K. 15:14 115#
Allison 11:23 Rx
Vinnie G. 16:23 75/45
Fab 14:26 Rx
Justin 15:37 Rx

CrossFit KoP's Adventure Race and Potluck Picnic


You of course, as well as friends and family can join in the fun!


Teams of 6 are to compete against each other in the ultimate adventure race! You will be earning points throughout the race for tasks completed from a list that will be provided on the day of the race. Evidence of each task completed will be documented using a digital camera. The race will begin at the bottom of Mount Misery. Each team will need to hike, run, skip, carry, jump, etc. over the mountain along the Mount Misery Trail and part of the Horseshoe Trail to the other side and come back along the gravel Valley Creek Trail (heading back towards the covered bridge), then finish back where you started in the parking lot.


Saturday, October 13th 9:30am meeting time, First heat to kick-off by 10:00. There will be NO regular classes at CFKoP on Saturday October 13th only the adventure race. 


 Valley Forge Park (meeting spot will be in the parking lot on the other side of the covered bridge)


Directions on where to meet: Take 202 South to the exit for Rt. 252 (by the Trader Joe’s/Gateway Shopping Center). Turn right at the light at the end of the exit ramp. Go straight into Valley Forge Park. The road will eventually make you turn to the left. Follow this road around until you see the red covered bridge on your left side. Turn left and go through the covered bridge. Parking lot is on the right side. Parking is limited in that lot so you may have to park along the road past the lot.

Other Info?

·         Pot Luck Picnic to take place after the race. Please hang around to grab a bite to eat and hang out with your Crossfit crew. Feel free to also bring a folding chair, picnic blanket, football, Frisbee, etc… to continue the fun and games

·         Sign-up sheet at box for Pot-Luck Picnic items

·         Sign-up sheet at the box for teams

·         Bring at least 1 digital camera per team. Preferably a camera so you can send me the pictures afterwards for compiling into an album

·         Teams of 6 people are required but if you have 1 member less or more, that’s ok too. We’ll make this work!

·         If you have gloves of some kind, it is advised to bring them

·         Contact Melanie if you have questions:  I’m on facebook, or you can email me at kopcoachmelanie@gmail.com



3:52 = Sam B.

18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps of: 
Ring Dips
Pull Ups

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
-John Wooden

Brian D 10:40 blu/blk bnd
Kelvin 11:20blue/blk bnd
Bekah 11:25 blu/blk
Wax 10:31 Rx
Jay E 13:11 jumping/bnd
King 14:01 rom
Roni 13:43 bnd
Gina 13:51 bnd
K.T. 11:13 MF dips
Nina 15:45 bnd rom
Ellie H 11:55 band
Susie 12:!6 band
Mike S 12:18 ringdip bnd
Susan 12:11 band
Barb 12:09 bnd
Becky C 19:14 bnd
Kim C 14:36 bnd
Paul 10:36 blk band
Megs 8:39 mf
Mike T 4:59 rx
Dianne 19:09 bnd
Chris Ags 11:48 bnd
John C 4:54 rx
Rob Ph 11:45 bands
Vinnie the Grip 11:55 bnd
Jim C 17:52 rom
Mel 10:54 band
J.Z. 11:27 Rx Strict pullups
Gene 15:00 1/2 strict pu, rom
Becca L 12:55 band
Justin R 11:54 band
Diego 10:48 Rx
Joe C 11:44 band
Mark B 13:05 Rx
Paul 7:47 strict Rx
Vinny 9:58 Rx+ vest
Luke 9:59 band
Conn 14:02 rom
Denise 13:12 band
Oleg 12:53 Rx
Flounder 13:07 band
Matt G 13:55 band
Ryan S 13:57 scale?
Ying 11:52 band
Patrick 12:27 Rx
Bre 12:56 band
Stacy H 13:05 band
Sam B. 3:52 Rx
Rachael 13:20 band
Andrew Y 13:54 band
Heather 12:28 band
Erika 13:50 band
Kathleen 12:51 band
Jackie 11:46 band
Mark 11:30 scale
Fayth 11:16 band
Ann 10:22 scale
Matt 14:23 band
Damien 17:20 band
Sean 12:42 band
Leslie 9:54 band
Kate C. 17:53 Rx



Floor Press


AMRAP in 7 Minutes
10 Box Jumps (20/21"-24/25")
30 Double Unders

What is a Floor Press: 
It's just a bench press from the floor. We will do it narrow gripped, with your elbows by your sides to mimic the pressing position of the push-up and ultimately the handstand push-up.

The Floor Press is essentially a Bench Press minus the actual bench.  At the bottom of each rep, there will be a momentary pause before locking the bar out over the chest. The pause at the bottom of a Floor Press does two things; firstly it removes the stretch reflex normally present in Bench Pressing. This will produce a similar training effect as seen in Box Squats where the pause at the bottom forces your muscles to move the weight without the benefit of an elastic rebound.  Secondly, a slow and controlled Floor Press will protect your wrists and upper arms. That's also pretty important...

Community Notes:
Paleo 101 - Intro to Nutrition is on Tuesday, 9/18 at 6:30pm. If you have recently completed Fundamentals, there is a nutrition session included in that package. Take advantage of it today and meet Laura in the CFKoP lobby.

Plentus is hosting a Clean and Jerk Clinic on Sunday, 9/23 from 11-2PM sign up in MindBody today.

How is your nutrition challenge going? 
 Friday evening we are hosting a Paleo/Zone Potluck at the box. Bring your favorite dish to share and a recipe of what it is...This will start at 6:30PM and run through 9:00PM.

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
Franz Kafka

Pat 185/170
Chip 225/188
Lam 165/289
Ben 155/145
King 175/170 rx+ 30"
Oleg 205/130
KT 110/240
Wax 225/167
Jay E 225/130
Susie 85/50 Du ATT
Ellie 75/170
Gina 85/136
Coxhead 225/361Rx
Bryant(visitor) 205/220 SU
Bre 75/160 SU/DUA
Barb Z 95/130 Rx
Nick Z 200/281 Rx
Rob M(visitor) 175/240 SU
Steph V 125/90 Rx
Chris T 65/123 DUA
Jonathan 205/130 21"
Kara 65/116 DUA
Dawn 65/140 SU/DUA
Sarah W 75/56 DU
Susan B 105/135 DUA 24"
Keith 145/253 Rx
Kevin 245/252 Rx
Ryan 335/98 Rx
Aimee 120/250 Rx
Justin H 205/340SU
P 335/284 Rx+ (30")
JZ 150/184 Rx
Joy 85/198 Rx
Roman 165/160SU
Hamid 155/:)
Joe C 200/204 Rx
Vinnie 185/240SU
Justin R 170/199 Rx
Peterbutt 170/273 Rx
Dig 150/170SU
Sharon 135/160ish Rx
Schaefer 300/283
Oji 185/120
Jess C. 100/159
Denise 85/168
Paul - / 59 (push press)/280
Dan (from CFG) 205/323
Leslie 90/376 (SU)
Kyle 185/201
Sean 225/310 (SU)



"Air Force" 
Complete the following for time, but do 4 burpees at the start of each minute:
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats

Ladies 65#/Men 95# 

(compare to 8.14.11) or (compare to 10.14.10)  

Community Notes:
CrossFit Endurance will occur on Thursday, 9/20 5:30PM at the Upper Merion High School Track. Meet Coach Pappas there!

"We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude."
-Charles R. Swindoll

Jason 7:32 Rx
Kelvin 12:54 75#
Mike S. 16:57 55#/35#
Roni A. 10:46 45#
Cris A. 13:30 Rx
Ryan B. 7:36 Rx
Gina 13:44 45#
King 9:57 75#
Balmer 10:53 Rx
Brian D. 14:49 65/45#
Jay E 7:51 Rx
Peter 14:47 Rx
Kyle B 12:56 DBs
Lauren M 11;38 45#
Mark C 10:40 75#
Nick Z 10:37 65#
Mike W 11:40 65#
Sarah W 10:14 35# (1/2)
Kara 13:37 35#/15#
Chris T 13:59 35#
Jen S 11:00 Rx
Beth O 16:56 35#/15#
Tanner 7:32 Rx
Amanda D 14:49 35#/PVC
Lisa A 13:49 33#
Steph V 12:00 Rx
Fayth 15:15 35#
Anne 12:58 35#
Susan B 11:47 Rx
Aimee 6:39 Rx
Cate 7:39 Rx
Keith 7:59 Rx
Dorothy 5:55 33#/DB25#
Rob PH 13:46 Rx
Justin R 17:43 95/45#
Travis K 15:58 75#
WW 15:45 75#
KT 8:38 Rx
Wax 9:46 95#
Mark S 11:55 53/15#
Mark B 14:44 75/45#
Olan 15:48 80#
Brian R 9:45 75#
Megs 11:51 Rx
Kyle 10:48 65/45#
Jason H 13:19 75#
 Arin 15:57 55#
Ryan 9:55 75#
Alison 11:50 Rx
Roman 10:59 75#
Schaefer 9:59 Rx
Conn 12:-- 75#
Andrew 15:45 ?#
Diego 13:37 75#
Calvin 17:50
Randy DNF
Oleg 14:44 Rx
Sam B 10:52 Rx
Dan M 13:40 65/45#
Stasie 17:44 35#
Erika 12:43 45#
Jessi 13:34
JNa 10:40 35#/half
Lisa Ch 17:17 45#
DeeDee 17:54 55#
Paul S 9:44 Rx
Justin M 16:44 53/33#
Matt G 22:48 65
Patrick 11:31 Rx
Gene 11:44 Rx
Dan L 21:51 Rx
Jess S 14:41 45/no burpees
Kathleen 13:38 35ROM
Geoff 23:54 Rx
Sandy 12:44 45 PVC OHS
Ben 14:50 65 PVC OHS
Chris 11:58 65
Shawn 8:56 PVC OHS
Tim McC 15:37 Rx



4 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope Climb 15 ft
10 HandStand Push-ups
500 Meter Row 

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative."
-W. Clement Stone

 Erika 19:39 kick-up/pulls
Pete W 17:48 2ab
Andrea B 15:59 Ab+plate/pulls
Ryan B 18:29 2Ab/pulls
Jason H 15:00 2Ab
Patrick 15:28 Rx
Stasie 16:40 Ab+plate/pulls
John Sch 16:44 1/2HSPU 1/2 SB
Jim C 14:58 Rx
Jess C 21:09 2plates
Kyle 17:26 Rx
Matt G 20:11 2plates
Kathy 17:58 SB/pull



Competitive Division: 
40 KB Swings 55#/35#
30 Burpees
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Front Squats 135#/95#

Social Division: 
40 KB Swings (scale weight to ability)
30 Burpees
20 Jumping Pull ups
10 Air Squats

All reps of one exercise must be done before moving to the next exercise. One person working at a time. One person is allowed to do all the reps of a given exercise, if so desired. Score is total number of reps in 10 min. Prescribed for Teens = Women's weights

Proceeds will go directly to Steve's Club King of Prussia. More information about the program can be found at Stevesclub.org

The WOD will be a Partner workout. Come with a partner in mind, or just come and we'll set you up. Partners can be mixed gender or same sex. Participation can occur in either the competitive division or social division. The social division would be a great opportunity to introduce a friend or young person to CrossFit and to our Non-profit Steve's Club program! The Team who takes top spot in the competitive division will get there very own Steve's Club T-Shirts! Suggested donation to participate is $25, but whatever you can give to support the program is appreciated.

Even if you cannot participate in the workout, please consider making a donation to support our kids. You can make your donation online by clicking HERE or at the box anytime.

Registration will start at 8:45AM, with heats kicking off at 9:15am, running through 11am. Spectators and volunteer judges are needed and welcome!

"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength."
-Michael Jordan





Team Together!

Great job to Jess C and Megs for keeping form throughout the Deads!

 The new cure for DEADBUTT!

A Team WOD:
(Inspired by the 2009 CF Games)

30 Wallballs (20lbs/14lbs) (all to 10 ft)

Row 300m
30 Box jumps (24")
30 ABMat Sit ups
30 DB Push press / Push jerk (40lbs/25lb)

30 Deadlifts (225lbs/135lbs)

Teams should be 4 person teams (two men/ two women) but based on class size this may be modified.

1. The wallballs are performed one athlete at a time. When all "four" athletes have completed the wallballs, they move on together as a team.

2. The middle four drills are then performed together in "Annie R U Ok?" format, meaning all four team members start at different stations at the same time. They rotate in the order listed once all four athletes have completed the rowing and reps. When all four athletes have completed all four drills, they move together to the deadlifts.

3. The barbell will be pre-loaded with 225lbs. Both men will perform 30 deadlifts each, and then the team will be responsible for removing 90lbs. Both women will then perform 30 deadlifts each, and the clock stops. Athletes much complete all 30 reps prior the next athlete moving on to the Deadlift.

4. Scaling will be allowed based on the set standard by your coach.

Community Notes:
BEAT THE STREETS is tomorrow! Who's in? You don't need a partner, just show up and we can pair you up. There are two divisions, competitive and social. This be a fun morning, athletes can arrive between 9 and 10 am to get put into a heat. This will be our regular class WoD.  Click here for the details on the event and WOD.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” 
― Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night



Lam, Klutch,Balmer,MikeT- 17:31
Coxhead,Oleg, Chip, Peter-18:07
Ryan Tanner Nina *Kim G- 17:36 *few missed WB's
Schaefer Jess C Jim C 17:43 Rx

Gina, Rebecca, Becca, Bekah (aka Gina's Bs)- 23:10
Mike S, Steve Z, Jay, King- 19:57
Kim C, Lauren, Kristin, Heather- 22:24
Beth Barb Dawn Amanda Susie 25:28
Jonathan Mike W Jessie Sarah W 28:15
Renee Bre Chris Kara Susan 21:23
Byrnsey, Sharon, Megs 17:17