Congratulations to our...
December Athlete of the Month - Kathleen
Get to Know Kathleen. –(will answer to anything ending in "een" sound, Maureen, Christine, etc...)
Hometown: East Norriton, PA
Current Location: King of Prussia, PA
Age: Let's just say it's more burpees then anyone wants to do before, during or after a WOD.
Occupation: Crude Oil Trader
College: Penn State
Did you ever play sports? Loved playing basketball, softball & volleyball as a kid.
When did you start CrossFit? January 11, 2010 (but who's counting?)
What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? Completing the King & Queen competition last year. It was my first time competing and I got so scared right before the competition started I was shaking and afraid to pick up my bar. Once I got started I knew I could finish it and it was an amazing experience. I thank coach Plentus for encouraging me to sign up for it and Aimee & Jason for hosting it.
What do you feel that you still need to work on? Absolutely everything! I'm focusing right now on getting better squat depth which has been a struggle of mine and an area I know I can improve.
Goals for the rest of this year? To get a full rope climb by Festivus.
What is your favorite time of day to WOD? The 4:30 class, some days it takes that long for the aches & pains from the day before to wear off.
What's your favorite WOD? Fight Gone Bad - this was my second ever WOD and it made an impression!
What's your least favorite WOD? Vinny's warm ups. Does he know we have a WOD to do after we're done?
What's your favorite lift? Clean & Jerk. I got a PR the last time we did it for a 1 RM and was jumping around the box like a little kid.
What’s your least favorite lift? Right now it's the deadlift. It used to be my favorite but I've had a frustrating couple of WOD's the last few times we've done them as a strength.
What's your favorite foods, and snacks? I fell in love with avocados during the primal challenge earlier this year after never having eaten them before in my life. Toss in some bacon and eggs and you have my favorite meal.
Whats your favorite piece of workout gear? My pink Crossfit KOP tank top.
Who is your favorite coach? Haha. Unfair question - I love them all! I will share a memorable coach story: My second week of class we did a WOD that was a combination of Grace & Cindy. Back then there were a lot coaches in training so I think we had about 5 coaches that night for a class of 10 or 12 people. I was really struggling with the push ups despite doing them on my knees. I think every coach came over at some point to give me a pointer or two but still I struggled to push myself up. Eventually through blood, sweat and tears (literally tears) I finished them using a box. The whole class had finished the WOD about 10 mins earlier so I thought surely I was done after I got the last push up, just then coach Tim carried my barbell over to me and said "here only 10 more clean and jerks to go." After I realized he wasn't kidding I strung out 10 in a row. That experience taught me the power of crossfit, I can't think of another circumstance where I would have found the determination to finish the workout. Thanks to all the members of the KOP community for the encouragement then and now.
PR's to mention?...
Well since I don't like to brag about my superior muscle ups, I'll go with my 95# 1RM C&J, 60# 3RM shoulder press, 234 DC on Fight Gone Bad, 8:50 DC on Karen and 39:35 (scaled KTE) on the Filthy Fifty.