(and back in stock at CrossFit KoP)
W.O.D. 10.25.09
"CRAZY Evan"
7 Rounds for time:
21 Shoulder Press (75 Men/55 Ladies)
21 KTE
7 Rounds for time:
21 Shoulder Press (75 Men/55 Ladies)
21 KTE
"We must train from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack and nullify any weaknesses. It's not about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist."
-Vince McConnell
"We must train from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack and nullify any weaknesses. It's not about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist."
-Vince McConnell
Swine: 23:53 Rx
Jim 32:13 Rx
Jim 32:13 Rx
Scott: 25:27 Rx
Todd: 28:08 65#
Plentus: 29:33 Rx
K-Ditty: 32:47 35#
Mike B: 27:08 Rx
Lisa: 33:31 Rx
Chris S: 29:28 Rx
Nicole: 23:14 35# Scale
Meighan: 30:32 45#
good luck Kit!
Great work today all. You were right I didn't make 10miles today, but I did get 8, quads are sore today!
Did this as RX'd in the back yard.
Time: 49:51
Also did a 500 M Row in 1:30.
It took me forever, but I did them all as straight up presses with good form (no push presses). I may have been able to do it faster with some peer pressure, but not much faster without having to go to push presses. My traps are toast!
This was a sick WOD!! Evan, you are crazy.
Evan - I was trying to explain why beans are not healthy....but I forget. Can you remind me please?
did I piss someone off....where is my time?
Jim - why cant I tag you in any Facebook pictures??
jason says sorry Jim, yeah what happened to you FB????
32:13 Jim C...we will get right on that!
thanks....needed to secure last place. I deactivated FB a couple nights ago. Time for radio silence for awhile.
Jim, I'm sad....why don't you create a new facebook profile and your name can be "Hot Wheels." Hometown: Daddy Land
not a bad idea Meg...all I have to do is login again and I am back on, I'll probably cave in sometime soon
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