W.O.D. 10.16.09
Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 25/21 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood/1/2pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
(compare to 6.14.09 and the filthy fifty archives of past)
Coaches thoughts on tracking progress and performance:
As I was blogging and reviewing the Filthy Fifty results from the past...a few questions came to mind. How many of you are consistent about tracking your progress, your performance, and how you felt? Are you consistently meeting your goals? If not, and you feel you are in a slump or have hit a plateau, did you ever sit down with your coach and review those goals to learn what you can do to get to the next level? are you in a slump, hit a plateau? I don't often highlight myself because CrossFit KoP is about your individual progress not mine; but because I have the data, let's look at my performances and highlight my recent Filthy Fifty times. The data shows us:
Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 25/21 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood/1/2pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
(compare to 6.14.09 and the filthy fifty archives of past)
Coaches thoughts on tracking progress and performance:
As I was blogging and reviewing the Filthy Fifty results from the past...a few questions came to mind. How many of you are consistent about tracking your progress, your performance, and how you felt? Are you consistently meeting your goals? If not, and you feel you are in a slump or have hit a plateau, did you ever sit down with your coach and review those goals to learn what you can do to get to the next level? are you in a slump, hit a plateau? I don't often highlight myself because CrossFit KoP is about your individual progress not mine; but because I have the data, let's look at my performances and highlight my recent Filthy Fifty times. The data shows us:
September 21 2008 28:42
September 24 2008 22:42
October 25th 2008 19:34
January 12 2009 20:06
February 24 2009 19:26
June 14 2009 18:02
September 24 2008 22:42
October 25th 2008 19:34
January 12 2009 20:06
February 24 2009 19:26
June 14 2009 18:02
You can draw many conclusions from the data above...but most importantly I have data. Performance (in the form of data) is what we measure to track progress. If you are not keeping track of your performance, how will you be able to see your progress? You cannot look back and see where you started and how your performance has improved. We have the progress journals at the box for a reason. We also have the leader board for a reason. TO TRACK THE DATA and measure PROGRESS!!! Make sure you are keeping track of where you started and how you have progressed. In addition to the benchmark girls and heroes, start to create your own benchmarks, check in on them regularly and push yourself to new limits. And remember... it's how you arrived to where you are, that is going to dictate how fast you get to where your going. For some of us it might take longer to achieve goals...some of us it may take a few steps backwards to work on form and technique before moving forward. It is important to realize that not every day will be a PR, but every day will be a day worth getting up for and trying again to reach our goals.
Weekend Notes:
Saturday, October 17th- MJ's Birthday Party at CrossFit KoP!!! Happy Birthday MJ!
Sunday, October 25th (*rescheduled from the 18th)- Fit Fest at the Upper Merion Middle School from 12-4PM. Set up help needed at 11:00AM.
"Try and fail is the manner of losers; try and learn is the way of the strong."
"Try and fail is the manner of losers; try and learn is the way of the strong."
- Unknown
Scott 22:54 (scale)
Aimee 21:51 (6AM)
Aimee 21:09 (4:30PM)
Swine 22:21
Jeff 26:03
Sammy 17:51
Meighan 31:11 (scale)
Steph 39:24 (scale)
Lisa E. 25:22
Steve 33:47 (25 reps)
Dan 31:33
Kevin DNF
Cheri DNF
Nikki 23:43
Laura 20:04
Liz 37:23
Han 31:30
Jim 34:50
Jason 29:33
Jen S. 35:39
Trisha 36:40
Sam B. 35:47 (scale)
Chris P. 23:17
Mike B. 31:09
Kristin 44:44 (scale)
Joe A. 45:07
Nick 40:54
Jerry 23:18 (30 reps)
Todd 37:04
Rob 28:09
Scott 22:54 (scale)
Aimee 21:51 (6AM)
Aimee 21:09 (4:30PM)
Swine 22:21
Jeff 26:03
Sammy 17:51
Meighan 31:11 (scale)
Steph 39:24 (scale)
Lisa E. 25:22
Steve 33:47 (25 reps)
Dan 31:33
Kevin DNF
Cheri DNF
Nikki 23:43
Laura 20:04
Liz 37:23
Han 31:30
Jim 34:50
Jason 29:33
Jen S. 35:39
Trisha 36:40
Sam B. 35:47 (scale)
Chris P. 23:17
Mike B. 31:09
Kristin 44:44 (scale)
Joe A. 45:07
Nick 40:54
Jerry 23:18 (30 reps)
Todd 37:04
Rob 28:09
going through wod's to do at the nova gym, I was going to suggest doing this wod at the box. crazy.
Aim - I should be able to help on Sunday, what do you need/where should we meet?
My best Filthy Fifty time was when Aimee and I did it together, and I chased her the whole time. When you do this WOD pick someone who is faster than you, and chase them, it helps!
Laura- haha! I still remember that...WOW, that seems like forever ago!
So what does the jumping pullup do exactly? Anyone know how it actually works your body?
Joe, if you're doing it right, you should be jumping up to the bar with your legs (and pulling a bit with your arms) and pushing yourself down with your arms. Your core gets worked too since you're trying to stabilize yourself the whole time. You should be toast by the end of just those, gasping for air.
I have still to this day never done this WOD.
If we are feeling that we have hit a plateau and are not achieving our goals, should we just request a private to discuss strategies to accomplish that?
Will there still be a Sat 12 and 1 class?
Yes, classes are on 12/1PM Saturday and 9/10AM Sunday plus CF kids at 11AM Sunday. Absolutely, scheduling a private session to review goals is a great approach.
All- The upper merion fit fest was just rescheduled until next Sunday the 25th.
I may not be able to move when i wake up tommorow...but i finished the all fifties of the filthy fifty! Some modifications of course but i swung the #35 KB and lifted the #45 bar :-)
Good explanation chris I was wondering why jumping pullups as opposed to pullups but I guess considering the rest of the workout why jumping pullups are appropriate.
I am very torn. I have been waiting for the "Filthy Fifty" to see how the new eating habits have helped my progress. My "Filthy Fifty" time was 38 minutes and change when I did it at the open gym, but that darn Phillies game is calling my name. May have to try it at the next open gym. Great times today everyone. Aimee your post sounds like meetings I sit in regarding students. We are always looking at data to measure student progress.
I really wanted to do this wod but work got in the way. Maybe at the next open gym.
Way to go Steph!!!
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