
April Athlete of the Month: MaKayla Hancock

Get to Know Mak H...

Q &A: For starters...my full name is MaKayla, most people probably don't know that! :)

Hometown: Skowhegan, Maine

Current Location: Manayunk

Age: 27

Occupation: Collegiate Field Hockey Coach at La Salle University

College: Bryant University (undergrad) & Providence College (grad degree), currently enrolled in a masters program at La Salle.

How long have you been a CrossFitter? It was 3 years this past January

Did you ever play sports? I played field hockey, basketball & softball as a kid. Collegiately I played Division I field hockey with my triplet sisters – we all played different positions!

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? Whenever I’m asked this question on a date I tell them I like to workout…I think it’s pretty cool!

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? March 29, 2017 I was in a really bad car accident. My ER doctor told me my strength saved my life, but that I had a long way to go before I would be back to my “normal”. I never thought walking, touching my toes, and doing basic yoga movements would ever be big milestones for me, especially in my 20’s. My CrossFit gym up in Boston, where I as living at the time, helped me with my weekly rehab, and on August 14, 2017 I worked out in my first CrossFit class since March 29th. Very modified, but I'll never forget it!

What skill(s) had you been working on all during 2019, and did (it)they become a success? I had been working on stringing together my pull-ups – I don’t know what defines success, but they’re better!
Still got a ways to go!

Goals for the 2020 year? Stringing toes-to-bar and getting better at all gymnastics movements/ upper body strength!!

What's your favorite WOD? Grace or DT

How about your favorite food/snacks? My favorite food is definitely chocolate chip cookies.
Favorite snacks are chips & dip (salsa, guac, etc.), apples &PB, juice pouches. What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? August pre-season conditioning testing/2 practices (sometimes 3) a day …looking back at it, it was kind of crazy! I went swimming in ice tubs voluntarily!

What’s your least favorite WOD? Kalsu – nightmares just thinking about it.

Favorite lift/movement? Power clean

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Probably burpees or running – doing a lot of those two movements lately thanks to Corona.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? a Barbell – really missing it right about now!

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? I’ve always been pretty strong, but I’ve never been able to lift my body and move my body as much or as quickly as I am able to now. Rope climbs, handstand pushups, pull ups, etc. seemed way out of reach when I started CrossFit, but consistency and working on my weaknesses has been a goal of mine since I started, and will continue to be a goal.

Who is your favorite coach? That’s like someone asking me who my favorite athlete is on my team…we all know I have one, but absolutely cannot share that! But, in all honesty…. I’m coached by A LOT of different coaches here at CKOP, and I’m extremely grateful for all of you. You all push me and challenge me in different ways, and are not only incredible coaches, but incredible people. Thank you CKOP for EVERYTHING. When I moved to PA about 1.5 years ago I was SO sad to have to leave my box in Boston. My coaches, the friends I had made, and the home I had created for myself was really hard to leave. When I asked one of my coaches if he knew of a box that I should go to in Philly he immediately said KOP, and told me Aimee would take care of me. And she sure has! I have a HUGE immediate family and I had never lived in a state with no family members in it, so moving to a city and a state with no family near or around me…it was scary. You’ve given me a home and a family nearby and I could never be move thankful. This community is so special. I’m forever grateful for it, and I hope during these crazy times we’re all even more grateful. I hope to see all your beautiful faces soon. Stay safe, stay moving, and keep smiling!

W.O.D. 4.1.20

Use: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/583839611
Meeting ID: 583 839 611

At Home WOD - Day 20:
5 Rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders (sub Single Unders or Penguin Jumps)
40 Odd Object Step Back Lunge
20 Odd Object/Goblet Squats

COVID Core Cash out:
100 Sit-ups for time

Coaches Notes:
If you have a kettlebell, barbell or dumbbells feel free to use them for this workout.

A great "ODD" object idea would be a back pack, stuff it with books, use it for the Lunge and Squat.

"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do." 
- Kobe Bryant


W.O.D. 3.31.20

At Home WOD - Day 19:

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
7 Odd Object "Bear Complex"
7 Push-ups
50 Mountain Climbers or  200 Meter Run

"Bear Complex"
Consists of:
Deadlift /Squat Clean
Back Squat
Push Press

COVID Core Cash out:
Alternating/Mixed Tabata
4 intervals
:20 seconds Russian Twist
:10 Rest
:20 seconds Windshield Wipers
:10 Rest

Coaches Notes:
If you have a barbell or dumbbells feel free to use them for this workout.

A great "ODD" object idea would be a back pack, stuff it with books, use it for the "Bear Complex"

"There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient." 
- Swami Sivananda


W.O.D. 3.30.20

At Home WOD - Day 18:

(similar to fight gone bad, but the at home version)

Three rounds of:
Odd Object Wall-ball (Reps)
Odd Object Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Tuck Jumps (Reps)
Odd Object Push-press (Reps)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower (if you have one) where each calorie is one point.

Coaches Notes:
If you have a barbell or dumbbells feel free to use them for this workout. In place of tuck jumps you can sub a box jump and use a row instead burpees if you are so fortunate to have a rower in your home.

A great "ODD" object idea would be a back pack, stuff it with books, use it for the wall ball, Sumo-deadlift high pull and push press!

Last week was the Zoom, "Buns of Steel Edition"....this week, EACH DAY this week we will offer a COVID CORE CASH OUT!

Join us at 12:00 on ZOOM!!!
Meeting ID 583-839-611

COVID Core Cash out:
5 Rounds:
:20 seconds Hollow Hold
:20 Seconds Rest

"You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life." 
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


W.O.D. 3.29.20

At Home WOD- Day 17:

Double Unders 

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'" 
- Muhammad Ali


W.O.D. 3.28.20

At Home WOD- Day 16:

For time:
75 Handstand push-ups

 At the beginning of each minute perform 20 Double-unders.

Coaches Notes:
If you are not proficient in Handstand Push-ups you can modify to regular Push-ups, hand release Push-ups or Plyo Push-ups for a change of pace.

"Use your time, energy and talents to do the best you can right now. Spend no time wishing it were better."
- Iyanla Vanzant


W.O.D. 3.27.20

At Home WOD- Day 15:
On a 15-minute running clock, for max reps:

 5 rounds of:
20 seconds of jumping lunge, rest 10 seconds
20 seconds of burpees, rest 10 seconds

 Then, 5 rounds of:
20 seconds of squat + tuck jump, rest 10 seconds
20 seconds of v-ups, rest 10 seconds

 Then, 5 rounds of:
20 seconds of dumbbell snatch (alt), rest 10 seconds
20 seconds of sit-ups, rest 10 seconds

Coaches Notes:
Be creative if you don't have a dumbbell or kettlebell, find an odd object.
If you have more equipment at home feel free to sub in other movements.

Community Note:
Join Coach Aimee at 12:30pm for a "Limited Equipment WOD" on ZOOM https://us04web.zoom.us/j/338939654
Meeting ID: 338 939 654
Don't forget to join us TONIGHT for a 4:30pm WOD with Aimee via ZOOM followed immediately by a stink and drink at 5:30pm... Join one or both!
Meeting ID: 193 550 799

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." 
- Marie Curie 

Friday Zoom Workouts

Join Coach Aimee at 12:30pm for a "Limited Equipment WOD" on ZOOM
This workout will be a full hour and can utilize minimal to no equipment. If you have dumbbells or kettle bells (or odd objects), please bring them!
Meeting ID: 338 939 654

Don't forget to join us TONIGHT for a 4:30pm full WOD with Aimee via ZOOM followed immediately by a stink and drink at 5:30pm... Join one or both!
Meeting ID: 193 550 799

Personalized Programming

Let us know what equipment you have in your house, we will provide a personalized weekly program to keep you accountable and keep you on track with your goals. $25 per week

Email crossfitkop@gmail.com for more information.

ZOOM Online Personal Training is NOW available with Aimee, Jenna or Steph. 


W.O.D. 3.26.20

In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah. 

At Home WOD- Day 14:

For time: 
Run 800 meters 
Run 400 meters backwards 
Run 800 meters 
Run 400 meters backwards 

 Post time to comments.

(The neighbors might be looking at you funny today...good luck!)

“The biggest regret a few years down the line would be…I wish I could. So dare to do what you dream of…NOW.” 
 ― Vikrmn

Stink and Drink

Check out of your “at home” office early and join us on Friday 3/27 at 4:30 pm for a “stink and drink”. Workout at 4:30 followed by happy hour at 5:30 pm....join for one or both!! 

 Join Zoom Meeting: 

 Meeting ID: 193 550 799


W.O.D. 3.25.20

At Home WOD- Day 13:

"The Chief" 
 Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 
3 Power cleans (95/135#)
6 Push-ups 
9 Air Squats 

 Rest 1 minute. 

Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. 

 Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

Coaches Notes:
If you have dumbbells use them for Hang Power Cleans, Kettlebell Cleans could work as well. If no weighted objects use a ball, think...Med-ball cleans.  You could potentially load a bucket with water or stones and clean that....keep it creative!!

“Tomorrow is promised to no one. Prioritize today accordingly.” 
― Gina Greenlee

Zoom Workouts

To the CrossFit KOP Community:
I miss you all, I know these are uncertain times but I want you to know I'm perpetually available for every single one of you. If you have questions, concerns or just want to see a friendly face on zoom or face time; I'm here for you! And I know speak on behalf of the entire coaching staff when I say, they are all here for you too! 

Please keep posting pictures of your workouts to the community page, please keep tagging @crossfitkop in your Instagram posts...please stay connected!

I founded CrossFit KoP in 2008 when it was a grass roots movement, I drove around with a limited amount of equipment in the trunk of my car and started doing workouts in my garage, parks and on the curbside of peoples homes.  I'm exited to start CrossFit KoP all over again in 2020 from my garage.

Tomorrow, 3/25 will be our first day of trying an online platform for CrossFit classes via Zoom!

Please join me on 3/25 at 7:00 AM  Meeting ID 257 263 341

Also, please join Tori tonight 3/24 at 5:30 PM for her Yoga via Zoom, Meeting ID 359 343 308

We will slowly ramp up classes as we begin to understand the new normal. Please bare with us!

Don't forget about Happy Hour at 5:30 on Friday via zoom Meeting ID 193 550 799!