us for the Wolverine WOD (or Cub) from 9:00AM. We will have a group warm up and instruction at 9:00AM then
will have rolling starts throughout the morning. Our Halloween party
starts at 11:00 ish! See you all there. We will also have a special
CrossFit Kids Halloween class at 10:00AM.
Friend and Family are welcome to the party!
Spend at least15 Minutes working on the Ring Muscle up
for time
Muscle Ups
Wallballs (x4 Reps) (14/20 to 9/10ft)
Community Notes:
Join us for the Wolverine WOD (or Cub) from 9:00AM on tomorrow, Halloween 10/31... We will have a group warm up and instruction at 9:00AM then will have rolling starts throughout the morning. Our Halloween party starts at 11:00 ish! See you all there. We will also have a special CrossFit Kids Halloween class at 10:00AM.
Click HERE to register or tell a friend about our new program "Holiday Head Start"
For time with a partner complete the following:
6 Squat Cleans (105/155)
12 Burpees
24 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
One partner works while the other rests. I do 6 cleans, then you do 6 cleans, then I do 12 Burpees, then you do 12 and back and forth for 5 rounds each.
Motivation comes from looking at the things you want and realizing what it takes to get it.
Congratulations to Cate and Aimee who took 1st place in the SuperFit Philly Competition and Congratulations to Pam and Dana who finished 5th overall in their division.
and... A HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the event successful!
Split Jerk
Cash out:
Ring Dips
"With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp."
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.