

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps (20/24")
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” 
-Benjamin Franklin


Keith B said...


Alex 4+45 2ab
Larissa 5+33 2AB
Bryan 3+40 HSholds
Kristen 6+12 RR/SB
Julia 5+11 1ABx1/2
Subhan 4+52 stepup/ab
Tori 5+31 4ab/band/su
Jess 5+12 band/step/3ab

Aimee Lyons said...

Ben 9+30 rx
Keith 6+45 pull up
Carl 7+36 rx
Megs 5+38 16" 1 .5 AB/ pullup
Shannon 4+23 1.5 ab
Yormen 4+45 17 / kips/ box hspu
Sara B 6 RR/step up/push up
Rich A 7+4 rx
Ana C 5+ 48 rx
Gina 5 = 15 2 AB/20 DU/ 5 pullup
Erini 5+40 2 AB
Pam 5+48 1 AB
Gordy 5+ 33 20 DU/20" 2 AB

Taylor W said...

Monica 6+2 singles 13" stepups banded 3ab
Mary 5+ 30 6 c2b 1.5 plates
Jackie 4+ 32 strict Pu HS Hold :20
Evan 4 + 19 2-" 5 dubs + singles
Aimee 7+ 31 17"

Taylor W said...

Mitter 5 + 53 60 singles 20" 3 ab
Karen 5 + 53 60 singles 3ab
Matt 6+ 22 rx
Edwin 5 PU 3ab
Grace 8 + 30 rx
JPJR 9 rx

Taylor W said...

Steph 5+ 46 17" banded c2b 3ab
DD 7+ 48 Reggie PU
Scientist 5 + 48 rx
Mike 4 + 37 RR 20" 45 singles pushup
Seth 7+ 35 singles 20" steppe
Sandra 6 sc
Lil D 7+ 27 singles 13" 2ab Pu