

Clean and Jerk 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
10 Clean and Jerks (65/95#)
15 Kettlebell Swings 53/70#
20 Double Unders

Community Notes: 
We are excited about our approacing 15 year celebration on Saturday 10/14 at CrossFit Generation. CLICK HERE to sign up for a heat time from 9 am - 12 pm.

“If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against you, defeat them.” 
- Nordic Viking saying

1 comment:

MaKayla said...

Erika 105#, 3+1 45KB, single unders
Shannon 150#, 2+13 44KB
Megs 70x5 SP, 3+5 SP55#, 5 Burpees
Dana H 165#, 3 35KB
Dana D 115#, 3+10 35KB
Jeff 285#,3RX
Natalie 145#, 3+4RX
Jamie S :)