(teams of 2 athletes will work to complete the work load, one athlete working at a time)
Bear Crawl 500 feet total (down and back 5 times)
100 Step-ups (45#/25#) (20/24")
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#/55#)
100 Step-ups (45#/25#) (20/24")
Bear Crawl 500 feet total (down and back 5 times)
Buddy Carry 200 Meters
This workout is intended to honor and remind us of the bravery that a firefighter or other hero may have demonstrated on that horrific day. The bear crawls remind us that we may not always be able to walk tall into any situation but that should not deter us from the end goal of helping someone in need. The step-ups remind us of the endless flights of stairs that many brave souls endured in order to help others in need. The sumo deadlift high-pulls remind us of the rubble that needed to be removed in order to save the life of a complete stranger. Finally, the buddy carry will remind us that we are all in this together and that life is the greatest of gifts and it is the only thing worth dying for.
We would like to thank every person that gave their life in service on 9-11-01 and every member of the armed services that continue to fight for our freedoms and safety to this day.
Words will never be enough! Thank you.
Past Results:
(compare to 9.11.18) or
(compare to 9.11.17) or (compare to 9.11.16) or (compare to 9.11.15) or (compare to 9.11.14) or (compare to 9.11.13) or (compare to 9.11.12) or (compare to 9.11.11) or (compare to 9.11.10) or (compare to 9.11.09)
"Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children."
-President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
-President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
King/ mike San 25:50 (35/25#, 65#, 20”)
Jeremy/ Kevin b 23:09 rx
Theresa/ Manisha 25:32 rx
Ellie/ Colin 22:30 (rx/ 35#)
Laura s/ Susan a 25:40 (20#)
Meg o/ Ben m 20:54 (17”/35#)
Dana d/ Danielle g 21:17 rx
Mike m/ mike p 23:07 rx
Lea/ Natalie 21:09 rx
Anna c/ Laura st 23:37 (15#, 17”/ 12#, 17”, 15# 50# sb carry)
Larissa/ Christine r 23:06 (20#)
Mary and Jackie 23:50 (17”,12#, 45#/ 20#,45#)
Donna and Ina 25:08 (rx/ 35#kb, 15#)
Joe c/ Kevin h 30:56 rx
Kate 31:40 (1/2 reps. 800m run, 15#, 35#, 17” box)
Tyler and jake 26:52 rx
Kira/ Annette/ Gabriella 24:12 (rx/ 15#,45#/ 1/2 no weight step up)
Karen Rx
Laura a Rx
Natalia Siamese/bw/35/3bc/35 farm
Randy Rx
Mike m 30/45
David c Rx
Alex t bw
Samson Rx
Marissa Rx
Siva 20” 30# 45# farmers
Josh S Rx no carry
Ryan w 35 20”
Josh m 45 20”
Sam f 20” highpull
Erin m Rx
Gia/Sarah j 32:33rx pr
Bhargav 20” 30 65
Chak 30 65
Jen c /Colleen 21:02 Rx
Subhan 23:40 1/2 solo 45/30 45farmers
Mike Ro Rx
Victor 20”/30/55
Missy/Alex 33:51 rx pr
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