
W.O.D. 12.6.15

Ashley takes the top spot on the PR board for the Snatch with 152!


Cash out:
3 sets of 15 Reps of your choice:
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extensions
Hip Extensions 
Back/Hip Extension

Advent Day 6: 
Today's Advent is a 1 RM Snatch! Highest weight for male and female wins a raffle ticket!

Community Notes:
OPEN gym today from 11:00-1:00PM, this is a FREE class for members to make up a missed WOD, Strength, Skill or Mobility.

Join Laura on Monday, at a 5:30PM for Fundamentals of Nutrition, this is FREE for members who just completed Fundamentals and our Holiday Head Start program.

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
–Albert Einstein

Advent Day 6:

Congrats to Faby and Ashley for taking the Raffles today!


CFKOP iPad said...
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Unknown said...


Ryan A 165# (form)
Sarah W 55# pr!!
Ben M 105# pr!!

Jonathan P still going but 195 for now
Sheila 75# pr!!
Stephanie M 55# pr!!!
Amanda 65#
Laura A 105# pr!!
Erika 85#
Luis 175# pr!!
Jessie 68# pr!!
