Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
Your score is the number of handstand push-ups completed for each round. Scale as necessary. Today is a great day to work on the Rope Climb and HSPU skill! Three rope pulls will equal one rope climb. The low ropes will be used for rope pulls. Towel pullups can also be used if necessary in 3/1 ratio.
(compare to 4.29.11)
Community Notes:
Thursday is the first Thursday of the month-- Open Gym will run from 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Thursday evening.
Personal Psychology by S. Vincent
“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
Mike P 43
Byrnsie 39
Kit 19
Aimee: 60
Cate: 60
Nicole 43
Sam 74
Olan 22
Faby 62
John C. 92
Jason 43
Faby 90
Kate C. 58
Jim C. 28
Tim McC 43
Justin H 28
Patrick 50
Becky 21 (13 minutes)
Balmer 57 (SB)
Nina 30 ab mat
Ellie 40 (SB,rope att)
Gina 48 (sb,rope pulls)
Drew 28 (sb,rope att)
Brian D 55 (24",rope pulls)
Rebecca S 40 (sb)
King 51 (ab mat)
Jay E 47 (rope pulls)
Kim C 50 (SB)
Ciera 35 (RP/SB)
LisaA 17 (RP/SB)
Chip 66 (SB)
BJ 80 (SB/RP)
Beth 46 (RP/2AbM)
Melanie M : lots (abmat)
Dianne: 50 (sb, pulls)
Dawn: 14 (holds/att & pulls)
Megs: 31 (abmat)
Graeme: 26 (2abmat, att&climbs)
Farfa: 46 (sb/pulls)
Lisa C: 29 (sb, pulls/att)
Margo: lots (sb/pulls)
Shawn 58 box
Marie 37 rp/box
Travis 46 sb
Mike W. 31 sb
Wax 38 (ROM)
Klutch 44 (1 AM)
Ying 41 (RP, SB)
Diego 16 (SB)
Oji 30 (some rope pulls, SB)
Jen S. 24 (1 AM)
Jeremy 57 (RP, SB)
Al 67 (TPU, SB)
Ryan 60 (SB)
Tidmore 40 (1 AM)
Schaeffer 15 (2 plates)
Matt G. 32 (1 plate + 1 AM)
Travis M. 29 (RP, SB)
Leslie 37 (row, RP, SB)
Kathy 29 (RP, SB on knees)
Heather 34 (1/2 RP, 2 AM)
Joe C 24 (abmat)
Arin 45 (35ab 2 climbs)
Kim G 21 (SBP ROM)
Ryan B 86 (SBP)
Mark W 45 (SBP)
Sharon 32 (SBP)
The lulu ladies visit for the nooner!
The Mashup!
Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
Your score is the number of handstand push-ups completed for each round. Scale as necessary. Today is a great day to work on the Rope Climb and HSPU skill! Three rope pulls will equal one rope climb. The low ropes will be used for rope pulls. Towel pullups can also be used if necessary in 3/1 ratio.
(compare to 4.29.11)
Community Notes:
Thursday is the first Thursday of the month-- Open Gym will run from 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Thursday evening.
Personal Psychology by S. Vincent
“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
Mike P 43
Byrnsie 39
Kit 19
Aimee: 60
Cate: 60
Nicole 43
Sam 74
Olan 22
Faby 62
John C. 92
Jason 43
Faby 90
Kate C. 58
Jim C. 28
Tim McC 43
Justin H 28
Patrick 50
Becky 21 (13 minutes)
Balmer 57 (SB)
Nina 30 ab mat
Ellie 40 (SB,rope att)
Gina 48 (sb,rope pulls)
Drew 28 (sb,rope att)
Brian D 55 (24",rope pulls)
Rebecca S 40 (sb)
King 51 (ab mat)
Jay E 47 (rope pulls)
Kim C 50 (SB)
Ciera 35 (RP/SB)
LisaA 17 (RP/SB)
Chip 66 (SB)
BJ 80 (SB/RP)
Beth 46 (RP/2AbM)
Melanie M : lots (abmat)
Dianne: 50 (sb, pulls)
Dawn: 14 (holds/att & pulls)
Megs: 31 (abmat)
Graeme: 26 (2abmat, att&climbs)
Farfa: 46 (sb/pulls)
Lisa C: 29 (sb, pulls/att)
Margo: lots (sb/pulls)
Shawn 58 box
Marie 37 rp/box
Travis 46 sb
Mike W. 31 sb
Wax 38 (ROM)
Klutch 44 (1 AM)
Ying 41 (RP, SB)
Diego 16 (SB)
Oji 30 (some rope pulls, SB)
Jen S. 24 (1 AM)
Jeremy 57 (RP, SB)
Al 67 (TPU, SB)
Ryan 60 (SB)
Tidmore 40 (1 AM)
Schaeffer 15 (2 plates)
Matt G. 32 (1 plate + 1 AM)
Travis M. 29 (RP, SB)
Leslie 37 (row, RP, SB)
Kathy 29 (RP, SB on knees)
Heather 34 (1/2 RP, 2 AM)
Joe C 24 (abmat)
Arin 45 (35ab 2 climbs)
Kim G 21 (SBP ROM)
Ryan B 86 (SBP)
Mark W 45 (SBP)
Sharon 32 (SBP)
The lulu ladies visit for the nooner!
The Mashup!
Balmer 57 (SB)
Mike P 43 RX
Nina 30 ab mat
Ellie 40 (SB,rope att)
Gina 48 (sb,rope pulls)
Drew 28 (sb,rope att)
Brian D 55 (24",rope pulls)
Rebecca S 40 (sb)
King 51 (ab mat)
Jay E 47 (rope pulls)
SB = stink bug
Congrats to Drew on his first ever rope climb!! Then again on his second....nice job.
Way to go Drew
Kim C 50 (SB)
Ciera 35 (RP/SB)
LisaA 17 (RP/SB)
Chip 66 (SB)
BJ 80 (SB/RP)
Beth 46 (RP/2AbM)
Nice work, fighting for the reps each round.
Byrnsie 39 Rx
Kit 19 Rx
Melanie M : lots (abmat)
Aimee: 60Rx
Cate: 60Rx
Dianne: 50 (sb, pulls)
Dawn: 14 (holds/att & pulls)
Megs: 31 (abmat)
Graeme: 26 (2abmat, att&climbs)
Farfa: 46 (sb/pulls)
Lisa C: 29 (sb, pulls/att)
Margo: lots (sb/pulls)
Great work, nooner, and welcome to the lovely ladies of lulu this afternoon. Special kudos to Melanie M (lulu) on her first class and getting up the rope!
What happened to Kit? And holy hell Aimee! Quite the improvement from last year! Well done!
and big improvement for Cate too!
thanks to Donkey and Farfa for the mashing after class :)
K & Q WODs will be posted tonight!
Shawn 58 box
Jason 43 Rx
Faby 90 Rx
Marie 37 rp/box
Travis 46 sb
Kate C. 58 Rx
Jim C. 28 Rx
Tim McC 43 Rx
Mike W. 31 sb
6:30 and 7:30 results
Wax 38 (ROM)
Klutch 44 (1 AM)
Ying 41 (RP, SB)
Diego 16 (SB)
Oji 30 (some rope pulls, SB)
John C. 42 Rx
Jen S. 24 (1 AM)
Jeremy 57 (RP, SB)
Al 67 (TPU, SB)
Ryan 60 (SB)
Tidmore 40 (1 AM)
Schaeffer 15 (2 plates)
Matt G. 32 (1 plate + 1 AM)
Sam 74 Rx
Olan 22 Rx
Faby 62 Rx
Travis M. 29 (RP, SB)
Nicole 43 Rx
Leslie 37 (row, RP, SB)
Kathy 29 (RP, SB on knees)
Heather 34 (1/2 RP, 2 AM)
Just to clarify John C was 92 not 42
Sorry John, you're right. The photo wasn't clear. Mel
Nice work, everyone, and nice numbers, John C!!
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