
W.O.D. 12.29.18

Partner WOD: 
For Time:
100 Calorie Row
150 Sit-Ups
125 Hand Release Push-Ups
100 WallBalls (14/20#) to (9/10ft)
75 Pull-Ups
*One partner working at a time*

Community Notes:
Have your friends and family join us TODAY at 9 and 10am for a FREE class

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” 
 ― Leo Babauta


1 comment:

Jenna said...

The Spaks 21:27 rx
Ben and Matt 22:15 (9' wb)
Slam 23:21 rx
NBD 24:59 sc
Jess and Chris 24:18 (8#wb)
Lea D and Dan 23:24 rx
DBMH 25:58 sc
Kris and Dan 26:30 sc
Jess <3s Rich 23:47 sc
Tre, Tom, Mike 27;06 rx
Andrew and Paul 28:05 sc
Julia and Sara 28:46 sc
Justin and Steph 30:07 sc
Jess M and Darcie 30:48 sc
Alex B, Missy, Laura 32:33
Esra and Raj 33:09 rx
Justin H and Steph V 30:05 sc

Dana and Laura 21:56 rx
Pete and King 20:58 (sc wb/ rx)
Subhan and Cline 24:47 (16# wb)
Alona and Caitlyn 23:07 rx
Victoria Brian S 25:44 sc
Colleen and Randy 23:12 rx
Steph C, Fayth, Katelyn 25:55 rx
Natalia and Trini 28:33 sc
Comly Fam 28:18 sc
Gladys and Mary 29:30 sc
Ina and Laura 27:52
Noel and Edwin 23:24 (14#)
Mark P and Edward 30:42 sc
Beenash and Mani 32:00 sc