

Ok, let's face it, we have all been tempted by sweet treats and indulgences over the holidays. Feeling the need to reset? ...well, WE HAVE THE ANSWER! 

 Join us on Saturday, January 5th at 11:00AM for the kick off of our 2019 Nutrition Challenge. The kick off will include a nutrition lecture and an In-body Scan. 

We will help you decide which level to choose. 
 The levels will include, Quality, Quantity and Food Composition. We will explain all levels at the kick off. 

 The male and female with the most significant body composition change will win a free month of membership!

 Your buy in is $25 and includes 2 In-body Scans (normally $50 each) 

 The end of the challenge and final In-body Scans will take place on Saturday, February 16th starting at 11:00am. If you cannot attend the kick off, you can still participate in the challenge. Please register  by CLICKING HERE here and contact Aimee or Jenna to schedule an alternate time for your scan.

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