

Hang Power Clean

AMRAP in 7 minutes
15 Hang Power cleans @ 70% of your 1RM
15 Burpees

Community Notes:
Jen Fugo will be doing her special presentation on Sugar: "The Sneaky Reality of Addiction and How You Can Beat It" tonight at 6:30PM. This is a free seminar. 

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs


Mark C said...

Great quote.

Miranda said...


Chris 185# 3
Erika 115# 2 +25
Becca 85+ 2 +5
Jen K. 75 2+6
Gina form 100# 2 +11
Twinkle Toes 155 PR 2 + 10
Mike S. 125 2+ 2
Justin 235 PR 2+2
Kathleen 110 2+6
Pat 185 2
Great job everyone!

Anonymous said...

Al V all by himself 205, 1+15

Gina Spinelli said...

Mine was actually 2+ 26... I can't count. We all know this! :)

Paul S said...

Diane 133
Chip 255PR 2+17
Justin H. 165 3+4
Christ 88 2
Joy Form 3+10
Dianne 88 1+12
Alison K. 133 3+3
Shannon 100 3
Susan 100 2+28
Fran 45 3+2
Steph 85 2+10
Fayth 105PR 2+17
Anne 85 2+6
Sue L 75 2

Jen S. said...


Taryn 110# 2+6
Arieanne 45# 2+15
Brett 205# PR! 2+25
Seshu 130# PR! 2+8
Jody 115# PR! 2+8
Bridget 95# 2+10
Keith 245# 2+9
Tara 45# 2+13

Kudos to Arieanne & Tara tackling the Hang Power Clean for the first time tonight!

Chris P. said...

Becky 130 PR/2+3
Tom 120/2+14
Ryan B 310/1+21
Fab 205/2+8
Kevin Y 225/2+26
Bre 125 PR/2+10

John 155/2+10
JOe P 170/2+5
Derreck 225/2+7
Nora 83/2+15
Becky (NC) 135 PR/2
Shawna 77.5/1+6
Melinda form/2+9
Jess S 90/2+6
Sean (NC) 255 PR/1+15
Deedee 140/2+10
Ryan S 155/2+15
Mike C 155/2

Dave 165/2+9
Gene 245/2+2
Kelly 95/2
Borden 205/2+21
Melissa 95/2+10
Kevin 115/2
Matt G 200/2+1
Lauren M 140 PR/2+5
Conn 205/2+7
Faby 245/2+2
Johnny 195/2+5
Jess C 125/2+11
Ditty 118/2+2

I'm glad to see a bunch of folks come out and do HPC's. Outsiders get down on CrossFit for having bad form and injuring ourselves. Well, with maybe one or two exceptions tonight, you guys were very pretty, and I don't mean in a Gene-is-a-pretty-Russian way. Remember big hips and quick elbows. Welcome to Sean and Becky visiting from Charlotte!