

For time:
20 Toes to bar
20 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
20 Push press / push jerk, 30/25 pound dumbbell
20 Double-unders
20 Thrusters 135/95
20 Pull-ups
20 Burpees
200 feet Walking lunge with 45/25lb plate held overhead

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." 
-Albert Einstein


Mike T. said...

Ryan B. 15:37 Rx
Andrea B. 12:29 75#
Megs 13:50 75#
Pat P. 18:30 115/25#
Gina S. 11:46 Scale
Cris A. 14:18 Rx
Kate C. 11:58 Rx
Oleg 17:47 Rx
Roni 14:59 70#
Dinger 17:48 95/25#
Kathleen 19:41 Scale
Alex 16:44 Scale
KT 12:25 Rx
Wax 14:16 Rx

Great Work 6am! Way to push through this tough wod.

Mike T. said...

6am Correction:
Ryan B. Rx+ 45#DB/30in Box

Miranda said...

7 am:
Pete 13:06 rx
King 13:16 rx

Paul S said...

David 17:00 SC
Jonathan 12:35 SC
Barb 19:19 SC
Rinat 15:03 #115
Susan 17:43 #65/Band
Justin 19:34 3xSU
Beth 19:00 SC
Kara 17:06 #53, #20
Christ 18:57 #53, #20
Beaver 16:05 SC
Bre 18:53 #55
Steph I. 20:20 SC
Aimee 20:26 #83

Good Job 9:30, Lots of stuff in this one. Welcome back to the boss lady!!

King said...

Welcome Back Aimee!

Jen S. said...


Kyle 16:10 95#/SU
Joe C 21:15
Gavin 18:21 25/75 SU
WW 21:02 scale
Fab 22:08 scale
Manisha 18:55 scale

Melinda :)
Ryan S 15:54 25/95 SU
Patrick 16:47 95#
Nora 20:42 scale
Jess S 22:29 scale
DeeDee 20:20 65#
Keith 13:40 rx
Bill T :)
Jill :)
Miranda 16:40 24'/ 35DB Thruster
Faby 12:54 rx+ 40#DB
Shawna 22:37 scale
Liz T 15:07 scale
Shawn T 18:45 25#lunge
Luke 18:55 35/115 scale lunge

Keith B said...


Derreck 23:05 Rx 30"
Conn 18:19 scale
Brett 16:15 scale
Lauren 19:44 scale
Sam Mc 15:40 scale
Matt B 21:43 Rx
Pablo 21:02 scale
Tom 17:30 scale
Joe Cola 17:15
Stacy (Gettysburg) 18:36 scale
Bridget 16:56 scale
Kelly G 16:34
Trace O 12:27 scale
Mike C 22:57 scale
Dave 19:54 scale
Matt G 22:30 scale
SMelanie 17:34 scale
Shannon 14:45 scale
Jaime 16:06 scale
Sam B 13:45 C2B, 35PP, 55DB Thrust
Anne17:58 scale
Stasie 21:00 Scale
Ryan P 17:25 scale

Nice job working in this extremely crowded class!!! Shout out to Matt B who, for the first time, completed a WOD doing all Rx pull-ups!!!! Also to Shannon C who I saw doing DUs!

Anonymous said...


marni 15:28 Sc 12/35 1st class!
Sue 21:30 Sc 12/45
Mike T 14:04 Rx+ 30" box,45#
Kevin Y 19:10 RX

Welcome to CrossFit KOP Marni!