


 5 rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups 
40 Push-ups 
60 Squats

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.19.24
CLICK HERE to compare to 6.3.24

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain


Aimee Lyons said...

Rich A 19:48 rx PR! board!
Dana D 22:37 20 pushups
Gordy 20:22 3 Rds
Keith 19:50 3 rds
Matt 23:35 4 rds
Ben 24:00 rx
Megs 26:34 rx pr board!
Pam 22:48 10 pull up/10 Ring Row 20 push up

Cate 32:16 1/2 squats 4- rds
Aimee 22:08 rx
Erini 29:04 rx
Ethan 32:10 4 rds rx
Abby 27:35 band / kpu
Em 26:09 4 rds 10 pu/10 band/snake
Mary 21:39 3 rds / 10 pu/10 rr _20 pu
Jessie 25:41 4 rds / bpu/knee push up

6 am
Alex 23:36 3 rds
Larissa 27:20 20 pushups
Subhan 22:50 3 rds
Tucker 28:40 50 air squats

Grace Hibler said...

Jeff: 17:54 RX PR!
Adrian: 28:27 snake pu
Carolina: 29:20 4 rnds scaled
Karen: 34:24 knee PU
Mike: 35:05 "old man scale"
Freaky: 27:28 scaled push ups
Bella: :)
Maureen: :)

Seth: 25:00 4 Rnds RR and ROM push ups/pull ups
Danielle: 29:45 Scaled push ups
Yormen: 25:00 3 rnds RX
Nick: 25:00 4 rnds banded pu
Karen: 20:24 3 rnds scaled
Bri: 24:15 4 Rnds scaled
Christina: 23:20 3 rnds scaled
Bri: 24:15