

 3 rounds for time of: 

10 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups 
20 hand-release push-ups 
30 dumbbell front-rack walking lunges 
 ♀ 20 lb ♂ 35 lb 

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson


Keith B said...


Jess 13:39 band
Tori 13:40 band
Bryan 14:27 PURom
Brian 12:04 PURom
Larissa 11:32 Rx
Jimmy(nycDrop-in) did work
Eric 13:39 band 25#
Bill(Drop-in) 11:05 band
Mark 14:15 PURom

Colette said...

Aimee 17:23rx
Leda 8:45 pull ups
Gillian 15:46 banded pull ups
Erini 12:11 banded C2B
Monica 11:42 banded pull ups snake
Jackie 14:18 pull ups floor press
Mary 20:03 (1 unassisted pull up/9 banded pull up) 15#
Dana D 19:43 pull ups

Aimee Lyons said...

Pam 12:17 band
Freaky 11:44 band/ a little snakey
Shannon 15:49 band
Evan 19:00 rx
Megs 13:40 12#/band
Liam 21:34 15# band pullup
Keith 16:23 rx
Kevin H 9:50 rx
Matt B 17:07 band
Geoff 15:23 25 band / rom
Yormen 18:18 20# band pullup
Rich A 9:04 rx

Gordy 13:18 20# band

AMRAP in 15
5 pull-up/ring row
10 HR pushup
15 Lunge

Kathy 5+ 5 12# seated press RR/Deadman
Deb 6+22 squat / GHD RR
Terry 7+5 10# RR/ seated press
Lisa 5 band 10#
Lee 6 band 12#

Colette said...

Matt D 11:06 pull up
Kristen 10:38 band snake side db
Graysen 13:28 band 15# snake
Matt P 13:13rx
Jeff 9:33rx
Joe S 13:04 band
Karen 12:47 lots of bands snake
Mike M 13:35 rom body weight lunge
Mae 12:54 band 15# single db
Trevor13:10 pull up

Colette said...

Julia N 10:05 banded C2B
Seth 10:50 65# DB BOR body weight lunges
Danielle C 11:14 banded pull up snake
Katie B 11:15 banded pull ups snake
Mike S 16:29 snake banded pull ups 1/2 body weight lunges