
W.O.D. 4.5.18

Join us on Saturday April 7th at 11:00 am for our FINISH CLINIC
It is essential in Olympic lifting to FINISH! 
Finishing properly is how we drive the bar UP (not out) in the Olympic lifts!  Increase your understanding of how vertical drive is accomplished in the snatch, clean and jerk. Learn drills to help you translate what you have learned into your lifts 

CLICK HERE to sign up today.

 $5 for members/$25 for non members.

5-1 of each Couplet:
Ring Muscle Up + Clean and Jerk (155/225#)
Rest 2:00 Minutes
Squat Snatch (105/155#) + Bar Muscle Up

Score is total time including rest. 
Athletes can start with either couplet.

Community Notes:
Join us from 11AM to 1PM on Sunday (4/8) for OPEN GYM with Coach Rachel. 
Join us from 3-5 PM on Sunday (4/8) at "Get Air" (555s Henderson Rd) for an outing...bring your friends and family!

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
—George Eliot



Justin Campanelli said...

6 am:

Jermey D: 15:00 C+J for both, 135. Strict pull-up
Kevin N: 14:10, Clean and press+ring row, 35#
Kevin B: 19:26, 115 s. 145 C+J Jumping RMu
Laura S: 16:55 65 sn, 85 CJ banded pullup, transtitions
Laura A: 21:03, 85 sn BMU attempts, 115, Dips / false-grip row
Dana: :) 10-5 cal bike 5-1 strict pull up 10-5 cal bike 5-1 strict dip
Mark S:: 15:35 115 sn 145 CJ C2b, Transitions+dips

Kevin L: 22:15 45sn, 95CJ, BMU Att. Jumping MU
Megan O: 27:43 RX sn, 143 CJ, BMU attempt (4 completed) hip to ring+ transtion
Megan N: 15:17, 43 SN, 65CJ, MU transitions, Pull-up
Alex B: 13:33 45 sn, banded pu, 75 cj RR
Neil: 16:16, 95 SN, 185 CJ, MU transitions, C2B
Raj: 18:41 95 sn, 135 CJ, transition, Pullup
Joe C: 25:05 DB snatch (70) DB CJ: 45, RMU attempts
Kate: 22:08 75 sn 105 CJ mu transition, bmu banded
Anna C: 16:58 60 sn, 70CJ ring row, pull up

CFKOP iPad said...

Connie 15:32 (75/trans/35 pwr/ band pu)
Olan 21:59 (175/135, mua)
Ina 16:05 (65/35, ring trans, pu)
Manisha 24:32 (rmua, 85,55 hang, band and hip)
Suzanne 17:00 (80/55, trans, bmua)

Jenna said...

Steph V 17:47 (95/115, band pull up x2)
Jenna 15:46 (1st part only, 125#, 1 MU per round)
Aimee 23:35 rx
Cate K 26:04 (145 c+J)

Aimee Lyons said...

Lee (thanks for dropping in) 185/135, 11 Ring MU
Carl 27:02 165/95#
Pam 25:56 RMUAttempts/145# C&J (Rx)
JP (Clean and Jerk + Ring MU ONLY) 19:10 215#
Rich A 34:29 (ROM Jerk; Rx weights and gymnastics)
Gordy 26:17 156#/ 6/3/2/1/1/1 Ring MU (101 Snatch)
Meredith 24:05 95#/Trans + dips/ 75# + PU
Dave H 34:05 (3 ring MU) (4/3/2/1/1 Bar MU) (225/155)

Aimee Lyons said...

15 Minute AMRAP
(ladder up 3..6..9..12..15..18..21..)

Barb Z 221
Barb C 208
Dad 213
Mom 215
Russell 165
Anne B 215
Terry 225

Jenna said...

Donna 13:33 (95/55) trans/ dips pull ups
Alicia 22:20 (85/115, 2/1/1/1/1 ring mu)
Keith 20:27 rx
Jilla 21:50 rx
Remer 24:46 (145 snatch)
Karen m 16:30 (85/75, c2b att, trans/ dips)
Nicole m 16:59 (85/65, c2b att, trans/ dips)
Jess a 16:08 (85/35, trans/ kips)
Kate s 16:51 (95/75 trans/ dips/ c2b)

Jenna said...

Anne bo 14:40 (35/55, trans/pu)
Flounder 19:15 (trans/pu, 145/95, sc)
Kyle- ouchie
Kat 25:03 (70/45, pu/ trans, band/ dip)
Shawna 20:45 (75/105, band, c2b/ trans)
Steph c 19:40 (85/65, kip swing)
Kelsey 17:01 (125/95, trans pu)
Fayth 19:00 (65/95, trans/ dip, pu)
Matt e 19:17 (115/185, trans, c2b)
Jeff 17:35 rx
Braden 23:40 (115/85)
Alona 21:00 (65,95, band bmu, trans)
Joe s 21:50 (185/135)
Randy 19:26 (135/85, band mu, trans, c2b, 1st bar mu)
Brian z 17:10 (135,85, 2 ring dips+ trans)

Unknown said...

I think I meant to say I RX the Reps. Def not the weight. Haha. I was at 205/135.

Gordy said...

I had 3/2/1/1/1 ring MU’s, not 6/3/2/1/1/1. Total of 8 ring MU’s - Gordy

Aimee Lyons said...

I really #nailedit on recording results... Sorry Dave and Gordy...that's what happens when you are almost 40...haha!

Jillian Archibald said...

Dani A. 19:43 90/70/PU/tran+dip
Jen C. 19:38 135/105/bandBMU/JRMU
Mariana 15:51 85/65/C2B/JRMU
Caitlyn B. 17:35 95/75/PU/tran+dip
Caitlin O. 21:02 85/65/PU/tran+dip
Ryan M. 15:54 185/115rom/JMU(both)
Andrew M. 15:23 205(C&J)
Micah 13:10 135/135rom/PU/tran+dip
Mark C. 19:19 185/95rom/JMU(both)
Michael C. 18:58 125/85/BMUA/tran+dip
Anvesh 18:40 115/65/bandPU/tran+dip

Dan M. 23:50 weights?? MUA (1 RMU, 3-4 BMU)

Unknown said...

145 C&J and 95 snatch (ROM) :)
-Dan M