
W.O.D. 4.7.17

Part 1:
Overhead Squat

Part 2:
Masters Qualifier 16.1
Calorie Row
Thruster 65/95#

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow for MAX OUT Saturday and help our Bridgeport Barbell Club get to Nationals. MAX OUT your Clean and Jerk and Snatch, this will run from 9AM-1PM! 
This is a fundraiser event. Donations of $20 are suggested (and appreciated) but not mandatory. 

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


CFKOP iPad said...

Briana K 143# PR'8:17 Rx
John k 175 7:07 Rx
Kevin B 175# PR!! 6:42 Rx
Ben M 165 PR 11:13 Rx
Mike San 135 PR (20#) 9:56 75#

CFKOP iPad said...

Kate k 100, 10:07rx
Raj 155, 7:38rx

Manisha said...

Jackie H 190 front Squat Pr! 9:17 squat clean
Jess M 55 8:45 45#
Ina 35 9:20 45#
Jeremy 205 5:23 Rx
Edwin 155 6:47 Rx
Jill H 102.5 PR 9:03 Rx
Meggan L 82.5 PR! 10:18 Rx
Michael R 125 PR 8:04 Rx
Karen 30 10:00 45#
Brendon 155 10:25 75#
Alex L 165 7:58 Rx

Anonymous said...

Tim H 95
Meredith 65, 10:00 @55
Mike Si 215PR, 4:52Rx
Liz 65, 7:32 @ 35
Jessie 93, 8:40@53
Rich A 215PR, 4:34Rx
Miranda 115, 11:21Rx
Panos 225, 5:15Rx
Dave N 230PR, 7:37Rx

Jenna said...

Mooney 205/6:24rx
Aileen 105/ 7:03 rx
Erik 135/ 7:40 (75)
Nicole 70/ 9:07 (55)
Rob c 175 pr/ 5:45 rx
Regi 175/ 7:37 rx

Giulz 161 pr/ 7:34 rx
Jilla 155/7:07 rx
Holly 155/5:55 rx
Mike r 215/ 6:03 rx

CFKOP iPad said...


Laura A 140 pr! 6:56 Rx
Lindsey 105 pr! 8:15 45#
Kat 60 pr! 9:12 35 then 15
Alexis 75 pr! 7:46 45
Josh S 185 8:50 Rx

Marissa 120 pr! 6:43 Rx
Kristen 115 pr! 6:59 Rx
Kris 125 pr! 8:38 Rx
Danielle 130 pr! 6:40 Rx
Esra 105 pr! 8:55 45#
Bryan 85 7:40 65#
Josh 185 pr! 6:29 Rx
Neil 165 pr! 6:43 Rx
Ash 130 pr! 7:26 Rx
Maggie 165 pro
Rachel 185 pr!
