
W.O.D. 6.2.16

For time:
Run 800 Meters
30 Push Press 95/135#
Run 800 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/70#
Run 800 Meters
30 GHD Sit-ups

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
– William B. Sprague


Tim P said...


Dana D 20:05 75#
Danielle G 20:02 65#
Kevin B 17:30 95#
Mike S 24:48 85#/53kb
Laura Alt. 17:09 75#
Lauren G 25:18 scale
Justin D 28:25 105#
Jeff B 19:30 Rx

Nick C 22:04 Rx
Alona 22:01 75#
Ashley M 22:37 75#53#kb Russian
Joe C 21:12 115#
Briana K 21:38 Rx
Lauren H 23:53 65#
Katie Ma.22:18 45#/35# Run 800/600/400

CFKOP iPad said...

9:30 AM

Barb Z. 18:15,air dyne ,15#,26# Russian KB. Abmat
Jonathan S. 21:37,75#,44#kb,abmat
Heather G. Incomplete,35#,26#,abmat
Darcy 21:50,45#,35#kb
Brian S. 22:33,115#,53kb,abmat
Emma S. 24:15,35#,26#kb,abmat
Jackie H. 24:04, 75#,53#kb
Lizzie 19:48,95#,35#kb,abmat
Bekah M. 23:23,75#,44#kb


Anonymous said...

Mike Si 18:30 ROW
Mike I 25:22 95/44/SU
Tim H 19:17 Row (last row 500m), 95,53r
Joe M 19:20 70/44/su
Denise 14:45 400m/75/44
Erika 23:42 65/44r
Sam 25:00 55/26
Pam 18:19Rx
Therese 17:48 400m/55/25/su
Jon P 19:14Rx
Dave N 25:03 Rx
Rob C 22:44 ROMGHD

Jodilee 13:33 400m/63/35R/SU
Chanda 16:24 400m/25/26R
Bill 15:29 400m/34/26R
Terry 21:52 50/35R/SU (800m!)

CFKOP iPad said...


Keithie 23:23 Rx
Rich A 19:47 Rx
Josh P 22:12 105/53
Jason I 20:12 95/53
Mariana 20:09 55/35
Steph M 22:10 45/35
Alejandra 23:44 45/35
Tia 24:38 85/35


Neil 22:45 105/53 rom ghd
Nate 18:35 75/44
Cline 22:36 115
Molly M 16:34 65/35
Steph C 22 55/35
Jess A 25isg 45 hpc/35 Russ/ rom ghd
Matt E 25:25 Rx
Mike C 20:27 75/44
