
W.O.D. 6.13.16


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 
Run 400 meters Max rep Pull-ups

" Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success."
– Unknown



Anonymous said...

Theresa L 70RX PR
Manisha 48RX PR
Ben M 32 Bnd
Kevin B 56RX PR
Mike Sa 42RX PR
Justin D 42 Bnd
Chanda 49 RR/Bike(15cal)
Mike Si 70 Strict/Bike(20cal)

Cline 48RX PR
Ashley 32RX PR
Kate 25RX

Welcome to Kate! Kate has been CrossFitting for 1.5 years but has just decided after giving us a try for a week to sign on! Make sure you say hi if you see her around!

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Katie 39 band
David 40 rx
Emma 42 band
Pam 67 Rx
Jill Herm 22 band PR!
Jill H 12 Rx PR!
Brian 30 band
Kevin 47 rx PR
Mary 55 band PR!
Jackie 31 Rx PR
Rich A 67 C2B rx
Ben (rich A bro) :)
Darcy 52 band
Meggan 53 band PR!
Jessie 80 (some band some rx)

Anonymous said...

Tim H 36 bnd/2m bike PR
Therese 25RX PR
Mike 25RX PR
Heather 25 Bnd
Denise 30 StupidBND
Erika L 35RX PR

CFKOP iPad said...

Erik F 44 Rx pr
Mike M 48 Rx
Julie r 30 Rx pr (no band!!!!!!)

CFKOP iPad said...

Mike r 75rx
Chris d 80rx pr
Alicia 28 Rx
Josh m 100rx pr
Jen s 13rx pr
Alona 49 Rx
Amanda c 56 bnd/200m
Joe m 33rx PR
Marni 36 Rx
Sarah w 60 band

CFKOP iPad said...

Mike r 75rx
Chris d 80rx pr
Alicia 28 Rx
Josh m 100rx pr
Jen s 13rx pr
Alona 49 Rx
Amanda c 56 bnd/200m
Joe m 33rx PR
Marni 36 Rx
Sarah w 60 band

CFKOP iPad said...

Ryan s 66 (15m)
Tia 30 rom
Jason I 75rx
Juke 37rx
Double d 68rx

Aimee Lyons said...

6:30 PM
Raj 34 band
Neil 10 band
Amanda 26 rom
Nate 55 rx
Danielle 39 band
EJ 26 rx
Dave 35 rx
Steph C 53 Rx
Kris 23 band
Borden 47 rx
Rob P 66 Rx
Rehman 31 band
Michael C 60 Rx