" Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success."
– Unknown
6am Theresa L 70RX PR Manisha 48RX PR Ben M 32 Bnd Kevin B 56RX PR Mike Sa 42RX PR Justin D 42 Bnd Chanda 49 RR/Bike(15cal) Mike Si 70 Strict/Bike(20cal)
7am Cline 48RX PR Ashley 32RX PR Kate 25RX
Welcome to Kate! Kate has been CrossFitting for 1.5 years but has just decided after giving us a try for a week to sign on! Make sure you say hi if you see her around!
9:30 AM Katie 39 band David 40 rx Emma 42 band Pam 67 Rx Jill Herm 22 band PR! Jill H 12 Rx PR! Brian 30 band Kevin 47 rx PR Mary 55 band PR! Jackie 31 Rx PR Rich A 67 C2B rx Ben (rich A bro) :) Darcy 52 band Meggan 53 band PR! Jessie 80 (some band some rx)
6:30 PM Raj 34 band Neil 10 band Amanda 26 rom Nate 55 rx Danielle 39 band EJ 26 rx Dave 35 rx Steph C 53 Rx Kris 23 band Borden 47 rx Rob P 66 Rx Rehman 31 band Michael C 60 Rx
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.
Theresa L 70RX PR
Manisha 48RX PR
Ben M 32 Bnd
Kevin B 56RX PR
Mike Sa 42RX PR
Justin D 42 Bnd
Chanda 49 RR/Bike(15cal)
Mike Si 70 Strict/Bike(20cal)
Cline 48RX PR
Ashley 32RX PR
Kate 25RX
Welcome to Kate! Kate has been CrossFitting for 1.5 years but has just decided after giving us a try for a week to sign on! Make sure you say hi if you see her around!
9:30 AM
Katie 39 band
David 40 rx
Emma 42 band
Pam 67 Rx
Jill Herm 22 band PR!
Jill H 12 Rx PR!
Brian 30 band
Kevin 47 rx PR
Mary 55 band PR!
Jackie 31 Rx PR
Rich A 67 C2B rx
Ben (rich A bro) :)
Darcy 52 band
Meggan 53 band PR!
Jessie 80 (some band some rx)
Tim H 36 bnd/2m bike PR
Therese 25RX PR
Mike 25RX PR
Heather 25 Bnd
Denise 30 StupidBND
Erika L 35RX PR
Erik F 44 Rx pr
Mike M 48 Rx
Julie r 30 Rx pr (no band!!!!!!)
Mike r 75rx
Chris d 80rx pr
Alicia 28 Rx
Josh m 100rx pr
Jen s 13rx pr
Alona 49 Rx
Amanda c 56 bnd/200m
Joe m 33rx PR
Marni 36 Rx
Sarah w 60 band
Mike r 75rx
Chris d 80rx pr
Alicia 28 Rx
Josh m 100rx pr
Jen s 13rx pr
Alona 49 Rx
Amanda c 56 bnd/200m
Joe m 33rx PR
Marni 36 Rx
Sarah w 60 band
Ryan s 66 (15m)
Tia 30 rom
Jason I 75rx
Juke 37rx
Double d 68rx
6:30 PM
Raj 34 band
Neil 10 band
Amanda 26 rom
Nate 55 rx
Danielle 39 band
EJ 26 rx
Dave 35 rx
Steph C 53 Rx
Kris 23 band
Borden 47 rx
Rob P 66 Rx
Rehman 31 band
Michael C 60 Rx
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