

21 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
21 Hand Stand Push-ups
1 Rope Climb
15 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
15 Hand Stand Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs
9 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
9 Hand Stand Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs

"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe."
-Muhammad Ali


Keith B said...

6:00am Pacesetters

Becca 14:09 65 RP 2rounds
Erika 18:37 75
Ronnie 15:13 65 RP

Becca- Way to work and keep the stress of the shoulders in the stink bugs
Erika- Awesome job sticking with the 75, for the whole workout!!
Ronnie-I told you you could handle that 65, rather than 55, nice job snapping those elbows through!

Paul S said...

Diane 14:22 #95/SB
Lizzie 14:00 #35/SB
John M. 15:09 #95/SB
Nick Z. 13:50 #95/SB
Lauren G. 10:56 #35/AM
Stacy 13:01 #55/AM

Anonymous said...

Gavin 17:10 75#
Pam 17:34 75/ROM/Attempts

Gavin- you really have got the hang of kipping the HSPU now!!! Yay!

Pam- Awesome progress on the Rope Climb, seriously you will have it mastered soon. It's fun to get you to do stuff you don't think you can!! :-))

Chris P. said...

LP 16:17 sb, 1/2 rope pulls
Regi :-)
Marci 17:41 35/sb/half climbs
Roman 19:47 125#

Carmen 18:40 35/sb
Anne Br 17:18 35/sc/rp
Josh 17:39 75/sb
Manisha 35/sb/sc
Shawna 17:30 45/sc/rp
Ryan S 18:54 125/sb

big night of notables: Marci got her first double under and had the best reaction; Roman was pushed to do more weight than he wanted to and succeeded; Carmen and Josh, both relatively new made rope climbs seem easy. And somehow Manisha got her FIRST rope climb at the END of this workout during the 3's. What?!

Unknown said...


Eddy A. 12:00 75/30/RP
Conn 13:04 115/ROM/RC
Jeff 12:00 135/SB/RP
Matt 13:15 135/SB/RP


Anne 14:11 55/SB/Rp
Steph 13:00 55/SB/RC
Jared 11:42 Form/SB/RP
Jess Ssss 12:07 53/SB/RP