

Split Jerk

EMOM for 8 Minutes:
3 Split Jerks @ 75% of your 1 RM

Community Notes:
CrossFit Harmony will be running another Girls on Girls Competition on Saturday, May 31st at 9:00AM. This is a female-only partner competition and the cost per team is $100 (includes a t-shirt). For more information about the event, please visit www.GirlsonGirlsThrowdown.com. 

CrossFit King of Prussia members are able to pre-register for this event! If you're interested, please send an email to info@girlsongirlsthrowdown.com indicating your desire to participate and you gym name. The ticket pre-sale ends on Sunday, March 23rd, so act now to reserve a spot.

More notes:
Coach Plentus is running Clean and Jerk Clinic at KoP on Sunday, 3/30 from 12-3pm and has a few spots open. Click here to register today.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West


emilyyannabella said...

9:30 Amazing work on the Split Jerks! Darcy, awesome PR!
Susan: 85 (form)
Allison: 93#
Darcy: 47 (PR!)

Anonymous said...

Some good looking split jerks at the nooner!!

Kate F. 73#
Audrey 93# pr
Jill H 93# pr

Chris P. said...

P 255
Fugo 90 (25# PR!!)
Marci 65
Travis 185
Justin R 215
Roman 175
Regi 135
Ryan B 325
Jim C!!!!! 285

Mike L 175
Eddie 75
Rebecca 73
Manisha 75
Tim Mcc 195 CJ PR by 10#
Tim H 180

Did you all think the split jerk could be gone over in so much detail? Haha, that was only a sampling from my CJ clinic btw (March 30th hint hint)

General rules: setup with elbows slightly forward, but not as much as the front squat; throw the bar off your body; press yourself down as quickly as possible, locking those elbows out quickly; balanced legs with a bent knee to have square hips; recover smart.

great job everyone, congrats to Fugo on a huge PR. Welcome Jim C to class!

Miranda said...


Erika 114#pr - getting stronger
Ronnie 65# - very nice to meet you! Excited to have you in class
Tracy 115# - solid form
King 185# 200 next time, you judt got tired
Nick 205# PR - you have more weight in you, you are stronger than you think

sorry this is late, I was in meetings all day yesterday then a company dinner!

Jason Lyons said...

Gotta turn the back toe in...