

 Welcome to Manny...
and Jeff!

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees
Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Community Reminders:
Today is NEON DAY! Wear your best NEON outfit as we celebrate Coach P's birthday! Happy Birthday!

The OPEN WOD will be held on Saturday starting at 9:00AM, we will place you in heats upon arrival...see you all there.

CFKoP has registered a team for the Civilian Military Combine in May. 

Community Giving:
NHS Human Services serves close to 3,000 children and their families in Philadelphia and surrounding suburbs through behavioral health programming. The programs continually need resources and supports such as supplies, special program improvement projects.

We will have a jar in the lobby to help out NHS Human Services...please consider donating, however big or small, as any amount helps. Our team name is Children’s Champions. You can make your contribution by going to the Goals for Giving at www.goalsforgiving.org. You can access the website and search for the team and make your contribution. There will be a jar in the lobby for cash donations. Thank you!

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
― Oscar Wilde

NEON Photos:


Megs said...

Happy happy day to my birthday buddies Roni and Plentus. Will never forget 2 years ago when all 3 of us were in the same class and Jason had to do lots and lots of burpees at the first neon wod (running Annie)!!

Hope you both have a great day

emilyyannabella said...

0600, amazing job this morning. So, is everyone still catching up with daylight savings or what?! 3 amigos killed the workout (Pete, Erika, & Luke).
Pete: 6 + 2 RX
Luke: 4 SC
Erika: 6 + 2 SC

emilyyannabella said...

9:30, you guys make my day - EVERY Wednesday! Allison, thank you for coming into take my class - I hope to see you soon (You rocked it!), and Ronnie, wait to hold up 25# like it was EASY.
Ronnie: 4 + 11 SC
Allison: 5 SC

Anonymous said...

Pam 5+21 Rx
Kate F 4 DoubleFrontRackKBLunges 9#

Travis said...


Chris P. said...

Regi 5+17 Rx
Joe 6 Rx
Anne Br 4 35/15
Kelsey 4 35#
Eddie 3 + lunges

Luke 3+17 Rx
Ryan S 6+1 Rx
Dave 5 Rx
LP 5+8 parallettes
Ditty 3+lunges 33#
Tracy 3+15 Rx
Jill 4+some steps
Manisha 3+10 sc
Mike 3+7 Rx
Brett 6+half

great job guys. I know you didn't think we could go over the skills of OH walking lunges and burpees, but we certainly did for a good 15 minutes. Great job repping the neon, esp. the 5:30!

thanks everyone for surprising me after the workout, it was awesome! Very grateful to be around such inspiring (and good looking) people

Unknown said...

6:30 BAC

Jeff 4+5


Stasie 2+20 #25
Jess Ssss 5+14 #25
Steph C 4 #25/#35 (2 rnds of each weight)
Jared 4+1 RX

Great job tonight everyone! Shout out to Jeff for pushing through while everyone was celebrating Plentus's birthday! Welcome Jared to his first class at the 7:30! And of course we all want to wish Coach P a very happy birthday!

Aimee Lyons said...

Dave N- pretty sure those gloves set you over the top, get a FREE T-shirt the next time you are at the box! Congrats!