

Power Clean 75/115#
Toes to Bar
Overhead Squat 75/115#

Community Notes:
This weekend's classes will be held at the Annex 110C DeKalb Street.  The CrossFit Cubs class at 10:00 AM on Saturday will be cancelled. CrossFit King of Prussia is Hosting a Level 1 Seminar.  Meet and Park at the Annex.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
-Sun Tzu


emilyyannabella said...

0600 - I am psyched you guys killed that workout this morning. Great way to start your day.
Mike T: 15:02 RX
KT: 10:38 RX
Roni: 14:07 Sc
Pete: 14:48 RX
Kathleen: 14:08 SC
Becca 19:15 SC
Wax: 16:13 SC
Kim: 18:38 SC

Steph V said...

Did you know CrossFit King of Prussia has its very own (and very active) Facebook group?

It's a place to share information, ask questions, get support and have fun.

Here is the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossfitkopers/

Be sure to read the group description on the sidebar(or below)

"This group is for members and friends of CrossFit King of Prussia. All those with current and previous relationships with the community are welcome to join and participate in the group.

This group is a closed group (anyone can see the group and who's in it. Only members see posts.) Although the group is closed, it should be consider a public forum (anything that's posted is for the world to see!)

New members can request to join the group or be added by an exsisting member (please add your new CFKOP friends!) A coach will approve members who join or are added.

The view points expressed in this group, are those of the individual posting not necessarily those of CrossFit King of Prussia. We reserve the right to remove participants who misuse the group or are disrespectful towards other members.

For more information about CrossFit King or Prussia please check out www.crossfitkop.com"

Jason Lyons said...

Random Thoughts for Wednesday

1) Biggest Loser jumped the shark
2) I plan to travel to SF for NFC Championship
3) It was 42 degrees in my office yesterday morning
4) I am getting my knee looked at today
5) Gavin can move forward in his buggy
6) I think Yellow Submarine is the happiest song ever written

7) I would rather meet my great great grandparents than great great grandkids
8) I am trying to learn French
9) Nothing is on TV anymore
10) Cheese is fantastic

emilyyannabella said...

9:30 - Nick, way to bring some testosterone into the gym at this hour, but, my ladies killed this workout!
Susan: 11:58 Sc
Diane: 9:31 SC
Fran: 11:17 SC
Lauren: 11:50 SC
Nick: 11:37 SC

Awesome job ladies!

Anonymous said...

Pam 12:33 rom/55
Sam m 13:33 95

Welcome back sam!

Anonymous said...

What does jump the shark mean jason

Travis said...

The blog get no love anymore. I am enjoying your random thoughts jason. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

let's do some tire pulls/drags and bar mu's. anyone? bueller?

Aimee Lyons said...

Anonymous - great idea, lets let the weather get above 32 before we head out for sled drags...Look for some more Bar MU's next week, These are always options for strength class too, we off that 6 days a week...

Unknown said...


Keith 9:55 RX
Fayth 12:08 SC
Anne 12:32 SC
Jessie S 11:57 SC

Unknown said...


Keith 9:55 RX
Fayth 12:08 SC
Anne 12:32 SC
Jessie S 11:57 SC

Chris P. said...

Mark C 14:26 95#
Ryan B 9:10 ghd
Fab 11:35 105# sc
Regi 9:27 53# sc
Kate F 13:39 53/15 sc
Travis 13:36 85 ttr

Seshu 13:08 75#
Faby ouchie
JZ 16:38 75#
Derreck 15:20 95#
Shawna 13:39 35# sc
LP 10:59 Rx
TP 9:44 95#
Klutch 14:16 Rx
Taryn 15:11 65# sc
Jill 15:28 40# sc
Arieanne 13:08 35# sc
Manisha 12:03 35# sc
Stacy 10:06 35# sc

Kate C 10:00 Rx
Jenna 13:07 35/15 sc
Mike L 15:44 95/45
Borden 13:07 95
Conn 13:42 75
Melissa 10:24 35# sc
Dave 13:35 95#
Matt B 14:17 95#
Ditty 16:14 63# pp
Joe Jr 11:40 95/45
Keith 12:34 sc

nice job everyone! OHS flexibility can be worked in the hips and the thoracic spine, just something you need to do frequently if you want to get better at it

Chris P. said...

Anonymous, clearly you don't come to Wednesday classes aka MAHSCHLE UP! Wednesdays

TRAVIS said...

Why are people afraid to speak their name? Own your post!
Jump the shark is when a TV show just tries too hard, normally right when its just trying to stay alive. I believe the term came from when fonzie "jumped the shark" in an episode of Happy Days.

Jason Lyons said...

Travis nailed it like a hot momma. Jump the shark is when a show officially sucks as it is doing everything to stay afloat. Biggest Loser jumped last night in my opinion because we watched for 10 minutes and those 10 minutes were commercials for Yoplait and Subway. The black dude came into his team room and was like, I love Yoplait yogurt and it is awesome and I like this flavor particularly with blueberries. Then they held the pot up...it was craziness. Then the white coach (i dont know anyones name) had them all eat subway sandwiches and they were all talking about how awesome it was and which flavor they were eating.

Aimee Lyons said...

15 posts--WOW. Feels like 2010 again! Who cares if it's just Travis and Jason!!! Keep 'Em coming!

mikefab said...

Nothing on TV anymore? I guess that you will out at Bed Bath and Beyond on Sunday at 1:00.

Unknown said...

Missed you crazies!

Anonymous said...

Lord knows I'm not afraid to speak my mind...i can't sign it under my name..something happened and it won't let me..it acts like it's loading..The only way for me is Anonymous..I'll be sure to sign my name Travis from now on

Kathleen said...

It frightenedme to admit I remember watching the "jump the shark" episode of Happy Days although I do think the show was in re-runs by then. It was a very tense moment in TV history.

I'm still contemplating #7 on Jason's list. Don't know how I'd decide decide between meeting my great great grandparents or great great grandkids. How does he come up with this stuff?

Travis said...

Thanks Diane, I was just curious. I have some issues posting as well. I have to go to the web version because it acts up and won't post via the mobile. 20+ BOOOM