

Partner 16 Minute AMRAP:
(each partner must complete an entire round before switching)
5 Box Jumps (24/30")
7 Thrusters (65/95#)
9 Russian Twists (with a 10/14# MedBall- touch right/touch left=1 rep)
Click here to watch a video of the Russian Twist.

Cash Out:
3 sets of 20 reps
Reverse Hyper or GHD Back Extensions

Community Notes:
All weekend classes (on Saturday 2/1 and Sunday 2/2) will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb).  There will be no CrossFit Kids class (Cubs) on Saturday at 10AM.

We are listening and working on all the suggestions we are receiving in the online "box"---Thank you!  We have now added a calendar of events to the side bar of the blog.  Look in the section called CURRENT EVENTS and you can see what is going on at CFKoP, also we are maintaining our calendars at the gym so you know of all of the fun community events. 

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
- Goethe


Travis said...

The unhappy owner of a gmail account

Anonymous said...

haha travis! Glad you are, yesterday was sad without you.

Aimee Lyons said...

Well Travis -- at least you now have an new account that you won't get any old spam :) thanks!

Jason Lyons said...

I heart Travis. I heart sleep more so goodnight. Travis, if you get your butt to the 6am, you can be my partner and we can complain the rest of the day online. :)

Travis said...

Sorry Jason but I love sleep as well. If I can't get up for work that early there is no way I can work out at 6am.

My money for the squares is at the gym in an envelope. Best of luck to all of those that are in it!

Jason Lyons said...

We have 32 squares left. I will start asking people at work so if you want any, please let me know. I will buy more if needed so we likely have only 22 left.

This is the hardest it has been to fill a 5 dollar pool.

Unknown said...

Jason - put me in for 4 squares

Travis said...

If need be I'll take a few more squares to level it out

Wax said...

KT and I will take 8 squares (4 each)... I will drop the $ off either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Unknown said...

Just signed up for the Crossfit Games and noticed weak participation - what's up with that? Start signing up!

Travis said...

Sign up for the games! No matter what your level is it's a guaranteed blast!

Unknown said...

I am working on dog pushups but the squats, situps and pull ups may be a bridge too far for my dog.

Paul S said...

Senior Ladies 13+6 SC
Scales 20+12 SC
Pink Cupcakes 14+7 SC
Quack Attack 12+14 SC
Slow & Steady 14+16 SC

Jason Lyons said...

I only have 4 squares left and Patrick and Wax are not part of it. First person in gets them.


user: nick
pass: h8aqr

King said...

Jason - I am in for 4 squares - let me know.

King said...

looks like I got the last 4 - realized I need to go to site - will drop off cash today or tomorrow

Jason Lyons said...

SOLD OUT. If you leave money at the box, please put in an envelope and write your name on it so I know you have paid.


I trust all of you so numbers have been generated. Please go to the same site to print your grid.

Anonymous said...

Jason & Brian 12+2 Rx
Kathleen 7Sc
KT(rx+ mens weights) & WAX(rx- 24") 14+4
Gina (20) & Roni(rx) 15+15
Kim G+Erika 14+5 55#
Balmer& Tobin 19+7 Rx

King & MArk C 16+15 Rx
Alona & Mischa 15+3 rx
Luke S & Chip 11+7

Jessie & Lauren G (20) 17+12 45#
Gavin(65) & Pam(Rx) 15+14

Paul S said...

Puppy Palace 16+5 #55
Team D-Bags 11+14 RX
What's That Say 12+13
Jonathan and Justin 14 #75
Anne 7+5 #35 Solo
Sleepy Gonzales 12+5 #34/45

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

John M
Justin R

Anonymous said...

Anne 7+5 35#/step up
Jonathan (24) & justin 14 75#

Wax said...

I left $40 at the box today, so KT or I will get it back next time we are there.

Jason Lyons said...

Sounds good Wax. Now that I know you are interested, I will seek you out. I didn't say anything in the morning class because it was on blog for 2 days

flame93 said...

Also check out this great crossfit workouts www.99crossfitness.com