

For total reps/calories: 
3:00 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)
3:00 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#) 
3:00 Slamballs (20/30#)
3:00 Calories Ski Erg

Rest 1:00

2:00 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)
2:00 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#) 
2:00 Slamballs (20/30#)
2:00 Calories Ski Erg

Rest 1:00

1:00 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)
1:00 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#) 
1:00 Slamballs (20/30#)
1:00 Calories Ski Erg 

“When I write a goal down – and I truly write them down – it becomes a part of me. That’s a contract that I sign with myself to say, ‘I don’t care what happens – I’m going to stay on this path. I’m going to try and see this through; I’m going to give it my best shot, my best effort.’ – Gail Devers


Aimee Lyons said...


Danielle 260 Rx
Ethan : ) #75 Sand, #25 Slam
Jackie 260 #55 Sumo, #75 Sand
Mary 256 #45 Sumo, #75 Sand, #15 Slam
Jen 280 #53 Sumo, #50 Sand, #25 Slam
Em 275 #75 Sand
Pam 281 #30 Slam RX+
Kristine 246 #60 Sumo, #75 Sand, #15 Slam

Aimee Lyons said...


Eric 265 #75 Sumo, #125 Sand, #30 Slam
Abby 266 #53 Sumo, #50 Sand, #15 Slam
Jordan 261 #75 Sumo, #50 Sand, #15 Slam
Matt 280 #75 Sumo, #75 Sand, #30 Slam
Heather 256 #55 Sumo, #75 Sand, #25 Slam
Meredith 234 #75 Sand
Maggie 270 #53 Sumo, #50 Sand, #20 Slam
Gordy 302 #65 Sumo, #100 Sand, #20 Slam
Yormen 205 #75 Sumo, #75 Sand, #25 Slam

Aimee Lyons said...

Gillian 294 #55 Sumo, #50 Sand, #20 Slam

Mark Spak said...


Brennan 263 65 SDLHP 75 SB 15 SB
Shannon 323Rx
Brian 321Rx
Subhan 238 75 SDLHP 100SB
Kevin 230 75 SDLHP 100SB
Alex 219Rx

Aimee Lyons said...


Karen K. #275 #25 Sumo, #18 Med Ball, #10 Slam
Karolina 238 #55 Sumo, #50 Sand, #15 Slam
Adrian 252 #125 Sand
Alex 336 Rx
Mike 279 #55 Sumo, #75 Sand, #15 Slam
Karen 318 #55 Sumo, #75 Sand, #15 Slam
Grace : ) Back...

Grace Hibler said...

Seth: 264 125# SB
Tori: lost count :) 55# SDLHP
Jess: 304 75# SB
Christina: 199 50# SB 25# SDLHP
Rakshit: 239 125# SB
Danielle: 215 75# SB
Rizzo: 210 Female RX and 75# SB