

5 Rounds of:
AMRAP in 4:00 Minutes:
12 Toes to Bar
60 Double Unders
then...max rounds of:
3 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats

Rest 1:00 Minute between rounds

* pick up where you left off*

(Record rounds + reps of HPS, PU, AS)

“As athletes, we have ups and downs. Unfortunately, you can't pick the days they come on.” 
-Deena Kastor, American Long Distance Runner


Colette said...

Jackie 13+3 ghd 45 dubs incline push up
Monica 14+1 45# singles rom
Larissa 12+3 dub practice 45#
Bettie 12+1 singles and dubs 9 rom ttb 55#
Philipp 10 romttb singles and dubs 75#
Em 12+1 snake 9 rom ttb
Mary 10+5 9ttb 25 dubs 45#
Pam 10+4rx

Colette said...

Megz 13+2 55#
Erini 15 40 dubs 55#
Baez 11+3 rx
Matt 11+8 (2 rnds 12 burpees)
Nat 7+4 rx

Danielle Gambone said...

Brian 14+4 singles
Subhan 7+8 rx
Alex 11+9, TTP
Julia 9 ½ TTB 1/2 SU
Jess 11 ski erg,TTP,#55
Tori 9 +12#55, TTP,singles, snake PU
Jesse 10+9 sc
Selby 11+3 BX
Mike 7+6 sc

Taylor said...

Jeff 18+5 rx
May 13 35# TTP Rom
Freaky 15 snake
Jams 20+5 35 ttb/knees
some dubs