

 5 Rounds for time of:
15 Barbell Lunges (95/135#)
75 Double Unders

Advent Day 9:
Max Peg Board Ascents M/F
...(beat Mike Mit. get $100)

Community Notes:
Festivus, our Holiday Party is tonight, there will be NO 5:30 PM class so we can set up for the party!
Everyone is welcome, bring some drinks, a dish to share and white elephant gift. 

“The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape.” — Bono


Danielle Gambone said...

Kristi 11:45 #35,1 min dub att
Jamie 10:16 rx
Mark 14:10, #105
Missy 13:50,#60,1 min dub att
Kevin 10:45,#95
Larissa 13:20,#60,1 min dub att
Danielle 14:24rx

Ben B said...

Jill H. 11:24 60# sc
Sofia 12:13 65#, singles

Meg O. 12:24 RX
Dan 11:16 RX
Shannon 14:25 85# 100 singles
The Nat 16:25 RX
Jeff 10:07 RX

Jeffrey Paul said...

Everyone else

Lauren - 13:31 75#
Erin - 10:59 Rx
Lil’D - 17:38 (120single/attempts 65#)
Baez - 14:14 Rx
Emma - 12:23 55# wiffles
Alex Tu - 14:04 95# 50 Dubs