

10-1 Front Squat (65/95#)
1-10 Back squat (65/95#) 
with 10 front rack lunges between each set (using the same weight)*

*these are not walking lunges

"If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten." 
-Tony Robbins

Tim H 20:27 65#
Robin 30:27 35#
Flounder 23:42 65#
Tidmore 15:30 65#
Faby 24:04 Rx (200)
Kyle W 17:36 65#
Tim P 14:30 no lunges 115#
Sandy 26:11 45#
Jess S 22:02 45#
Mateo 19:35 80#
LP 12:42 75# scale reps
Luke 27:04 65#
Trung 18:40 35# half reps
Albert 18:40 Rx
Conn 24:18 75#
Jaime 16:18 35#
Shannon 16:20 35#
David 17:59 75#
Alona 20:56 55#
Kyle B 19:43 25# vest
Chip 15:20 95# scale
Dan M 22:40 65#
Jack 22:30 65# scale
Leslie 25:57 45#
Bridget 9:20 35# scale
Ben 22:30 65# 
Rob PH 29:11 Rx(200)
Arin 28:25 45(200)
Kim G 35:34 45(200)
Roman 21:37 75(100)
Diane 25:54 65(100)
Casey 32:51 50(100)
Joe C 24:28 75(100)
Laurel 35:34 45#/200
Pam 29:17 Rx/200
Becky 33:45 Rx /100
Schaefer 31:27 Rx/200
Tim Mc 14:58 Rx/100
Lauren D 23:39 #45 (100)
Nick 26:12 #75 (200)
Rinat 29:56 #95 (200) RX
Travis 28:09 #75 (100)
Amanda 22:08 #35 (100)
Jonathan 21:13 #65 (100)
Mr. W 28:35 #95 (100)
Mrs. W 25:22 #35 (100)
Kara 20:45 #35 (100)
Dianne 24:49 #35 (100)
Jason 36:23 Rx
Cris A 33:28 Rx
Derrick 47:05 Rx
Klutch 33:15 Rx
Justin 30:46 65#
Mike S 35:28 45#
KT 24:34 Rx
Rebecca S 38:20 55#
Joe (CT) 32:59 75#
Dinger 31:15 65#
Jay E 34:25 Rx
Pete 29:56 Rx
Kathleen 33:15 45#/scale
Gina 28:59 55#
Oleg 41:05 Rx
Roni 25:00 scale
Gene 26:43 Rx (200)
Kate C 14:50 Rx
Kate K 17:22 80# started at 8/3
Lauren B 26:42 45#
Ryan P 22:45 75#


Jason Lyons said...

This one packs a mighty punch. You may be tempted to scale up....that would be unwise. :)

P'lentus said...

Yes, Jason and I did that...you should only scale up if you don't care about walking the next 5 days

Anonymous said...

Question. When do we do the lunges? Does a set consist of 10fs+1bs 9+2 8+3 etc... or are the front squats and back squats considered separate sets?

Jason Lyons said...

Great question anonymous. When I programmed this, it was intended to be 10 front squats, 10 lunges, 1 back squat, 10 lunges and so forth. We did this workout before on Groundhog day I think. Aimee wrote it in a way that the lunges are only performed once...10 front squats, 1 back squat 10 lunges. That in itself would be an awful workout. This morning I did the version that I spoke about with 200 lunges and it hurts pretty bad. I would personally encourage people to try that version but if you are worried at all about the volume, only perform 1 set of lunges. I would just indicate which version you did. Because I was there, the poor 6AM class is all doing the version with 200 lunges. GO 6 AMERS!!!

Vinny said...

6am Crazy Lunges!!!

Jason 36:23 Rx
Cris A 33:28 Rx
Derrick 47:05 Rx
Klutch 33:15 Rx
Justin 30:46 65#
Mike S 35:28 45#
KT 24:34 Rx
Rebecca S 38:20 55#
Joe (CT) 32:59 75#
Dinger 31:15 65#
Jay E 34:25 Rx
Pete 29:56 Rx
Kathleen 33:15 45#/scale
Gina 28:59 55#
Oleg 41:05 Rx
Roni 25:00 scale

Thanks for dropping in Joe M!! We enjoyed having ya, hope to see again you soon.

Megs said...


This is the Groundhog day wod Jason referenced. I remember it being brutal. Cate did it without dropping the bar ever!!

Chris P. said...

this is actually not the same workout as last year because last year's weights were 45/65! Therefore, I am going to strongly recommend my 530/630/730 classes to do one set of lunges aka 10 FS, 1 BS, 10 lunges

Paul S said...

Dirty 9Trey

Lauren D 23:39 #45 (100)
Nick 26:12 #75 (200)
Rinat 29:56 #95 (200) RX
Travis 28:09 #75 (100)
Amanda 22:08 #35 (100)
Jonathan 21:13 #65 (100)
Mr. W 28:35 #95 (100)
Mrs. W 25:22 #35 (100)
Kara 20:45 #35 (100)
Dianne 24:49 #35 (100)

Everyone loves Lunges! This was a tough one 9:30 Crew, way to fight.

Jason Lyons said...

P, then we must have done 95? I looked in my journal and could not find it. It is fun... :)

Jason Lyons said...

P good observation. We did 95 last time with one set if lunges! Lol!!! Being that I did two sets of lunges, brings on the DOMS!!!

Chris P. said...

this would be a good day to get some BCAAs down the hatch an hour or so before the workout (10-20g)

Jason Lyons said...

We have reached 50 members of our affiliate team! Awesome job!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Laurel 35:34 45#/200
Pam 29:17 Rx/200
Becky 33:45 Rx /100
Schaefer 31:27 Rx/200
Tim Mc 14:58 Rx/100

Keith B said...


Rob PH 29:11 Rx(200)
Arin 28:25 45(200)
Kim G 35:34 45(200)
Roman 21:37 75(100)
Diane 25:54 65(100)
Casey 32:51 50(100)
Joe C 24:28 75(100)

Gene said...

That was saucy.

P.Lentus said...

Tim H 20:27 65#
Robin 30:27 35#
Flounder 23:42 65#
Tidmore 15:30 65#
Faby 24:04 Rx (200)
Kyle W 17:36 65#
Tim P 14:30 no lunges 115#
Sandy 26:11 45#
Jess S 22:02 45#
Mateo 19:35 80#
LP 12:42 75# scale reps
Luke 27:04 65#

Trung 18:40 35# half reps
Albert 18:40 Rx
Conn 24:18 75#
Jaime 16:18 35#
Shannon 16:20 35#
David 17:59 75#
Alona 20:56 55#
Kyle B 19:43 25# vest

Chip 15:20 95# scale
Dan M 22:40 65#
Jack 22:30 65# scale
Leslie 25:57 45#
Bridget 9:20 35# scale
Ben 22:30 65#

SPICY. Welcome to Bridget for her FIRST class, Trung to his SECOND, and Ryan P. and Lauren B. to their THIRD classes.

Chris P. said...

oops skipped some folks from 5:30. Luckily Gene messaged me since he wanted to show that he was as badass as Faby. Maybe you two could hobble around together for the next few days. ;-)

Gene 26:43 Rx (200)
Kate C 14:50 Rx
Kate K 17:22 80# started at 8/3
Lauren B 26:42 45#
Ryan P 22:45 75#