W.O.D. 5.1.09
The Beach Assault
Row to shore-1000M row
Ascend the cliff-5 rope climbs
Attack the objective-100 burpees and 100 wall balls (14#/20#)
Extract the wounded-200M Farmers Walk (35/45KB)
Row to shore-1000M row
Ascend the cliff-5 rope climbs
Attack the objective-100 burpees and 100 wall balls (14#/20#)
Extract the wounded-200M Farmers Walk (35/45KB)
Descend the cliff- 5 rope climbs
Extraction-1000M row
*This will be completed in teams. The number of participants in each class will determine how many athletes are on each team. For an extra challenge, wear a weighted vest.
"Wheel Analogy", CrossFit Running Certification by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu
Hot Wheels/Sam: 38:38
Lisa/Dan: 28:56
Brian/Mike: 31:41
Matt/Ray: 34:02
Jeff/Swine Flu Paul: 34:48
CP/Miranda: 34:32
Doug/Cindy: 24:43
Katie/Granny DeSwine: 46:08
Mike F/Jill: 43:28
Jason/Charlie: 42:38
Scott: 21:09 (1/2 Solo)