
Soldier March Video.
*Make sure to watch at minute 1:00 for Paul's cameo appearance.
W.O.D. 4.16.09
Handstand Push-Ups
Ring Dips
Push Ups

From our neighbors:
Bill Tirado and Zach Frankhouser of CrossFit Delaware Valley offer an interesting perspective on "Compressing WOD Times": Read.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Doug 17:31
Suspect Handstand PU form
Paul 13:04
Aimee 16:22
Danielle 17:18
Mike M. 19:15
Sam G. 16:24


  1. Paul, that is a classic CrossFit moment bro. I was losing it when I saw that. Awesome.

  2. A truly awesome CrossFit moment, something we've all thought at one time or another! Great job on the video.

  3. after this workout, i now know what it feels like to have your arms feel like melted jello.

    nice job guys...and gals!

  4. Yeah, this morning was a tough one. My next goal is to do all 45 Handstand Push ups like Doug; nose to ground. I think my new T-shirt is gonna say, I wanna be like Doug. :-) Good stuff everyone!

    And a special shout to Cindy Handler who pulled in an amazing 395 on her CrossFit Total last night!

  5. OMG that is so funny!!!! I have done the same thing in the past!!!

  6. Awesome work this morning everyone...thanks for pushing us through again Jason. Between the WOD's yesterday and today, my entire body hates me! I hope that one day, I can get through a workout like this without cheating...
    Congrats Cindy :)

  7. Danielle-slight correction you scale...you don't cheat. Two different animals entirely!

  8. Did my first traveling WOD...I did the one that is 21-15-9 situps, pushups, airsquats. plus i added 100 jumping jacks before and after. not sure if this counts as a real workout, but i was happy i did something! :) can't wait to get back tomorrow! I hate working late!

  9. Aimee and Jason, Have a safe trip and say Hi to MIL and FIL for us!!! We'll miss you both but I'm sure Evan has some fun ready for the weekend!

  10. Thought this quote might have some relevance...

    "The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body." - George Sheehan

  11. Jen, you are damned straight that counts as a workout. That is the beauty of CrossFit; you are only limited by your own creativity and will power. The only way you can fail is to do nothing.
