
W.O.D. 4.26.09
5 rounds for time of:
30 Squats
10 Ring Dips
5 Power Snatch (105#/75#)

Ring Dips and Variations... [ wmv]
Power Snatch...[wmv][mov]

Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.
-Corita Kent


  1. Results for Sunday 4/26/09

    Danielle 50# 11:17
    followed by 500m row 1:54

    Mike 95# 8:34
    followed by 200 Double Unders 5:43

  2. Doug, 200 DU's was a good idea, it basically sucked all the air out of me...evan and i suggest a row/du wod

    for time
    5 rounds of
    250 m row
    25 double unders,

  3. I was gonna blow this off, but I got off my ass to do what I could with what I had:

    5 Rounds:
    30 Squats
    20 Chair dips, knees to ground
    5R/5L 35 lb KB Power Snatch
    Time: 17:25

    Followed by Tabata Sprints. 20 seconds full sprint, 10 seconds walk. Covered 800 Meters.

    Baby, it's hot outside.

  4. Sunday WOD -
    Tim - UMLY Sprint Triathalon, time not posted yet
    Laura - 7 mile run...broad streets next week, it better cool down!
