
Mike M. cruising through his Thrusters during yesterday's Daniel W.O.D.

W.O.D. 4.14.09
Row 400M then complete
16, 8, 4, 2 reps of:
Turkish get-ups (40lb for men / 25lb for ladies) KB or DB
DB Squat Snatch (40lb dumbbells for men / 25lb for ladies)
Double Unders
Turkish get-ups are up and down is one, start and switch on the ground. Full Squat on the Snatch catch and stand up for complete extension.

"Isabel" by Josh Everett - video [wmv] [mov]

"Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination."
-William Longood

Hot Wheels 34:48 (30#)
Mike M. 27:40 Rxd
Paul 31:56 Rxd
Miranda 30:26
Jeff 30:57 (25#)
Jon 30:15 (25#)
Lisa 32:54 Rxd
Jill 36:45 (15#)
Hannah 41:53 (20#)
Granny 27:56 Rxd
Don 28:44 (35 KB)
Rey 29:42 (35KB)
Sam 24:29 (40#)
Doug 27:30 Rxd
Nicole DNF
*nice work gang!!!
...and special shout to our friends from CrossFit York, Don and Rey, thanks for the visit!!


  1. The Thrusters killed me last night. i hate thrusters. thrusters suck. who the hell invented thrusters?! I mean, what's the point?

    so anyway, what I mean is, more thrusters in the WODS, please, Aimee!

  2. Aimee,

    If your ever having writers block for a workout theres one on the main site today.

    5 rounds 12-9-6 reps
    155Lb rx
    Deadlift, Hang power clean and push jerks

  3. Is one rep a Turkish get-up or DB snatch on each hand - one left, one right = one rep? This makes sense but just wanted to be sure.

    Love Turkish get-ups!

  4. i love me some thrusters. it is my favorite lift. need another max thrusters x3.

  5. Joe- I did the "DT" main page WOD this AM, loved it. Watch for that one at some point between Friday and Monday, it will be there.

    Jeff- 16 Left, 16 Right. 8 Left, 8 Right, 4L/4R, 2L/2R...for the Get ups and DB Snatch.

    Doug-Doug-Doug-What's even better than thrusters is thrusters plus chest to bar pull-ups!!! RIGHT? I'm sure Jason and Hannah will beg to differ as they heart Thrusters. Hey now, that will make a good T-shirt. I heart Thrusters.

  6. i heart thrusters too! we are made for eachother.

    about this workout today...it sounds whorrific!

  7. I heart turkish get-ups! Can't wait to not attend this class.

  8. Oh yes Count me out for this one.

    2 mile run in the rain 15:14

  9. Doug, I second that comment...

    p.s. having a tough time straightening my arms today

  10. Thrusters sure did get the swoll on, and tighten up my arms for today. Way to stick it out everybody though.

  11. i'd buy a shirt that says i heart thrusters. hannah+thrusters=love

    i don't think i can come tonight...i have to wash my hair.

  12. My shirt will say:
    "F#&* Thrusters,
    And F*#@ you too, Fran"

    Anyone else curious what they're vertical leap is? I think I'm bringing tape measure tonight.

  13. Thats cool Doug, I would'nt mind know what mine is, but I am pretty sure this body does not leap to high. Joe A should get measured he prob has a huge vertical

  14. "I don't think I can come tonight... I have to wash my hair." Was that you Hannah??? or was that really Nicole?? You could do a 400M run in the rain instead of the row, that way you can kill two birds with one stone? thoughts? I can bring the shampoo, lather you up and send you out in the rain for the 400M...

  15. HAAHA! Well I couldn't make it last night because I was getting a mani/pedi.

    I'm over working out.... :)
