
Sam and Tim take on yesterday's CHIEF WOD.
*check out Sam's clean in the background, note how close that bar is traveling up his body-- right up the center of gravity!!! Good stuff Sam.
W.O.D. 4.24.09
Three rounds for time:

Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (55 #/35#)
12 Pull-ups (chest to bar)

Note:There will only be a 5:30PM class today!

Helen Challenge: CrossFit Los Angeles ...[wmv][mov]

Thoughts on Whole Living:
Some of the most amazing moments in your life will take you by surprise. Let them.

See criticism as a lesson in disguise.

Try not to let the lure of electronics strip away your ability to be here now.

Ease your sugar intake. Look for alternative ways to bring sweetness into your life.

Don't be too quick to close doors on your future. Instead, find more to open.

Don't discount the value of simple pleasures.


  1. Here are the results from the last time we did "Helen"...

    W.O.D. 1.30.09

    3 Rounds for time:
    400M Run
    1.5 Pood Kettlebell swing x 21
    Pull-ups 12 reps
    Jon 14:09
    Scott 9:49
    Paul 12:23
    Lisa 14:53
    Nicole 18:38
    Tim M 15:11
    Doug 11:14
    Jill 16:35
    Laura 17:37
    Jeff 15:05
    Joe 21:51
    Danielle 14:35
    Cindy 18:00
    Hannah 17:29
    Tim P. 11:00
    Jason 15:17
    Aimee 12:55

  2. Did this at home this morning in the back yard. My first attempt at "Helen":

    Time: 16:54

    Used a 35 lb KB. All dead hang pull-ups to the chest. I re-performed 5 that did not meet the standard. That last round of pull-ups is a bitch. I took a short rest, and then finished with:

    50 Knees to Elbows
    100 Sit ups

  3. Results from Helen
    Also followed by Jeremy (21-15-9 PVC overhead squats and Burpees

    Jen S. 12:52 5:21
    Jen C. 11:17 3:52
    Laura 12:05 4:15
    Mike F. 14:49 6:14
    Doug 9:32 3:45
    Sam 10:11 2:44
    Nicole 14:14 5:05
    Chris 14:53 5:15

    Nice work everyone, I think that everyone pretty much crushed their PR's from last time.
