


Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker. Today we do this workout to honor a fallen hero.

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings 75/55#

Community Notes:

Click here to register for the next Level 1 Seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia on April 12th and 13th.

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.


Tim P said...

Kristin T 7 sc
Mike T 14 + 3 Rx
Kim G 12 sc
Gina 11 +1 sc
Erika 10 sc
Roni 10 sc
Luke S 11 sc
Wax 8 sc
Ellie 9 sc
Peter W 11 sc

Paul S said...

Christ 13+7 #45 SC
Kara 13+2 #44 SC
Fran 15+4 #26 SC
Stacy 13+2 #35 SC
Jonathan 16 #55 SC
Joe G 13 #70 SC
Nicole 15+1 #44 SC
Lauren 14 #35 SC

Unknown said...

My dog is a guest blogger today "woof, woof, woof"

Samson said...

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.

Anyone else surprised that the goofiest of the ninja turtles came up with such an eloquent quote?

Anonymous said...

Pam 10+6 transitions/2abmat/53
Gavin 10+2 transitions/55

Anonymous said...

Pam 10+6 transitions/2abmat/53
Gavin 10+2 transitions/55

Paul S said...

Linda 13 sc
Fayth 13 sc
Anne 11 sc
Nick 10 sc
Steph 10 sc
Rachel 12 sc

Welcome to Nick who dropped in and worked his ass off!

Jason Lyons said...

Keith: 14 rx
P: 8 rx
Trav: 14 sc
Regi: 10 sc
Carmen: 9 sc
Justin R: 7 sc
Olan: 8 sc

Keith: Well done stringing both muscle-ups every time, I think he had zero fails.
P: Dedication on the muscle-up and he literally held a partial transition for like a minute before failing. wow.
Trav: Bum shoulder won't let you down and AWESOME ring rows to your chest every pull.
Carmen: First time coaching you and I loved the desire to do MU and HSPU.
Justin R: SUPER impressed with effortless C2B and AWESOME stinkbugs.
Olan: Managed to get his whole body over the rings but miss the transition. You need to practice from the floor as you are clearly high enough.

Travis said...

Love these write ups. Great job to P and Keith, at one point I turned around during my kettle bells to watch the MU to use it as motivation.

Keith B said...


Tim H 12 sc
Eddie 13 sc
Anne 10 sc
Patrick 12 sc
Ryan S 9 sc
Jason I 9 sc


Jeff 10 sc

Great job all around!! Ryan S don't let me catch you using an abmat on the HSPUs ever again!!!