

 Jill at the Girls on Girls Competition at CrossFit Harmony
 Photos courtesy of the talented C. Plentus!
Team Fristers on Wall Balls

Battle Ropes
Dumbbell Push Press (35/55#)
500m Row
Tire Drag (45/95#)
Dumbbell Hang Power Clean (35/55#)
500m Row
Farmers Carry (55/70#)
One Arm (alternating) Dumbell Snatch (35/55#)
2 minutes on Airdyne

Teams of three complete the following station rotations listed above, each athlete completes each station once before moving on to the next station rotation. The rotation moves by the Row/Airdyne.  The entire team works together at each triplet before moving to the next.

The score for the team is total reps of all Dumbbell movements.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
― Bernard M. Baruch




Tim P said...

Pete, King, Todd 225
Balmer, Justin R, Luke 23 Rx
Team Ladies Night:
Erika, Kathleen, Becca, Gina 344

Unknown said...

The only thing my dog can do is the tire drag. This is definitely out for the dog wod

Anonymous said...

"the kings" Jonathan & WW 193 Sc
Audrey, Jen S, Pam- Work :)

Aimee Lyons said...

Balmer, Justin R, Luke 23 Rx???
230? maybe?

Unknown said...

233 if I remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

Gluten Free Ice Cream 264
Fran/Jackie/Rich 286
Jill/Kara/Christ 255


Anonymous said...

So if you are on the fence about signing up for my Olympic Lifting program starting Feb 23rd, here is an incentive. Jim Calciano, USA weightlifting L1 coach and weightlifter extraordinaire will be coaching the program with me! Jim is awesome, but you probably already know that. More info about the program here: http://www.aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/olympic-lifting-development-with-coach.html Any questions just ask!

Paul S said...

Sled Sluts 406
3 Snatches and A Dick 580

Jason Lyons said...

Regi, Joy, Eddie: 272 scale

Mike Fr, Olan, Travis: 234 scale

Keith B said...


Patrick, Josh P 147


Derreck, Klutch, Alex 209
Alona, Kelly, Matt 221