

Winter Warmer 2013

The Beach Assault
Row to shore-1000M row
Ascend the cliff-5 rope climbs
Attack the objective-100 burpees and 100 wall balls (14#/20#)
Extract the wounded-50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65#/95#) and a 200M Farmers Walk (35/45KB)
Descend the cliff- 5 rope climbs
Extraction-1000M row

*This will be completed in teams of 2. If the number of participants in each class is not even we will determine how many athletes are on each team. One athlete works at a time.

Community Events:
CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a Level 1 Trainer Course on March 16th and 17th click here to register and for more details.  

"The struggle along pleases us, not the victory."
-Blaise Pascal

Flounder(RP)/Peterson(Rx) 25:36
MrsT(sc)/Mr.T(RX) 28:11
Manisha/Laurel 31:25(Sc)
Gene/Ross 26:30(Rx)
Oleg/Andrew 24:35(Rp)
Klutch/Derreck 29:15 Rx
Kim G/Erika 29:42 (RP)
Keith 20:12 (half RX)
King(rx)/WW(1rcshortofrx) 26:29
AK/KK 24:23(Rx)
Rye/Balmer 23:08(rx)
ChrisA/Leslie 29:32 (sc


Paul S said...

There were 3 bars left with weights and clips on them in the middle of the floor. Next time... you die.

Anonymous said...

My sincere apologies to the 9am class for the false start and for my discovery that I was way off in my calculations for the distance of the farmers walk! CrossFit math is hard :)

Flounder(RP)/Peterson(Rx) 25:36
MrsT(sc)/Mr.T(RX) 28:11
Manisha/Laurel 31:25(Sc)
Gene/Ross 26:30(Rx)
Oleg/Andrew 24:35(Rp)
Klutch/Derreck 29:15 Rx
Kim G/Erika 29:42 (RP)

Keith 20:12 (half RX)
King(rx)/WW(1rcshortofrx) 26:29
AK/KK 24:23(Rx)
Rye/Balmer 23:08(rx)
ChrisA/Leslie 29:32 (sc

Anonymous said...

Oooooops, I totally forgot one of the scores. My Bad ;-)

TeamFaby 32:02 Rx

Gene said...

That man is not human....