

"Grace Sandwich"

50 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
30 Clean and Jerks (95#/135#)
1 Rope Climb
50 Double Unders 
(*If you would like to scale up, try using your bodyweight on the bar for the Clean and Jerks)

(compare to 11.8.09)  

Weekend Reminders:
Saturday 1/26: WOD n Wings @ CF Apex
Sunday 1/27: Steph's 5th Element Fitness Workshop from 10-2 @ CF KOP click here to register via MindBody online.

"Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions."
-Mark Twain

Oleg 10:24 rope pulls
Ellie 8:59@73#
Gina 9:44@75
Amanda D 13:22@55
Dinger 11:55@85
Ross R 12:14@95
Lauren M 13:23@75
Peter W 8:58 Rx
Jay E 10:03 ropepulls
Nick C 12:36 Rx
Tori 10:52 (25DUA/55#)
Jerry 11:09 Rx
Bre 11:36 (65#)
Nick 8:40 (105#)
Jonathan 12:58 (73#)
Schaefer 10:36 Rx + (155/20ft)
Stacy 11:28 (65#DUA)
Sharon 14:50 (65/33#)
Andrea 15:11 (45#/pulls)
Justin Rinh 5:16/95#
Derreck 14:55 / 185# rope pulls
Kelly Mc 9:27 / 35# pulls, SU
Mateo 8:40 / 95#, SU, pulls
Faby 8:29 165# / 20' rope
Alison K 7:37 95# / pulls
Kate C 11:52 105#
Lisa C 12:29 65#
David G 12:27 65#
Vinny 14:11 190#
Ryan S 10:44 115#
Chris A 11:06
Peterson 8:44 Rx
KT 7:22 Rx
Fayth 11:43 65#/pulls
Anne 10:00 55#/pulls/SU
Kate K 95#
Miranda 11:39 Rx
Patrick 10:29 Rx
Andrew Y 8:46 115#/pulls
Kathleen 8:05 65#/pulls
Keith 6:46 95#/20'
Aimee 7:36 20'
Jack 11:20 83/RP
Ryan 10:25 205/RP
Paul 9:57 Squat Clean
Sam 7:26 Rx
PH 12:25 RP
Travis 9:43 125/SU
Rachel 8:49 SU
Dan M 8:05 95#
Ben 10:40 95#
Tim P 5:56 RX
Olan 11:22 RX
Mark B 9:13 115/RP
Megs 10:19 RX


Anonymous said...

Oh wow...that link to the previous results, is a blast from the past. It was like my sixth week in CrossFIt. . Dear lord, could I kiss Jason's ass any more. :) 75# C&J...those were the days ;)

TP said...


Oleg 10:24 rope pulls
Ellie 8:59@73#
Gina 9:44@75
Amanda D 13:22@55
Dinger 11:55@85
Ross R 12:14@95
Lauren M 13:23@75
Peter W 8:58 Rx
Jay E 10:03 ropepulls
Nick C 12:36 Rx

Peterson said...


For anyone interested in the google trend updated to include 2013 (I can't embed the image in here because of the limits on the HTML tags that are allowed)...

Jason Lyons said...

That was a good day for comments for me. Now I just get hate mail...

Laura P said...


Justin Rinh 5:16/95#
Derreck 14:55 / 185# rope pulls
Kelly Mc 9:27 / 35# pulls, SU
Mateo 8:40 / 95#, SU, pulls
Faby 8:29 165# / 20' rope
Alison K 7:37 95# / pulls
Kate C 11:52 105#
Lisa C 12:29 65#
David G 12:27 65#
Vinny 14:11 190#
Ryan S 10:44 115#
Chris A 11:06
Peterson 8:44 Rx
KT 7:22 Rx
Fayth 11:43 65#/pulls
Anne 10:00 55#/pulls/SU
Kate K 95#
Miranda 11:39 Rx
Patrick 10:29 Rx
Andrew Y 8:46 115#/pulls
Kathleen 8:05 65#/pulls

Vinny said...

4:30 results

Keith 6:46 95#/20'
Aimee 7:36 20'
Jack 11:20 83/RP
Ryan 10:25 205/RP
Paul 9:57 Squat Clean
Sam 7:26 Rx
PH 12:25 RP
Travis 9:43 125/SU
Rachel 8:49 SU
Dan M 8:05 95#
Ben 10:40 95#
Tim P 5:56 RX
Olan 11:22 RX
Mark B 9:13 115/RP
Megs 10:19 RX

RP = body weight rope pull

Kate K. said...

Kate K: 13:03 (95#, doubles, rope pulls bc so crowded, and the BEST counter ever!!!!)