
CrossFit KoP...On the Road to the 2010 Games.

Athlete Profile: Tim Pappas

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 157
Age 29
Started CF: July '08

Deadlift: 370
Back Squat: 275
Front Squat: 215
Press: 135
Clean and Jerk: 175
Split Jerk: 185
Press: 115
Pull-ups: 42
Weighted pull-up: 80#
box jump: 43.5"
Fran: 5:51
Cindy: 27
Helen: 7:47
Jackie: 7:06
Angie: 12:54, 13:54 C2B
Michael: 16:03
Filthy 50: 22:04
5k run: 16:53
5 mile run: 32:18
Wolverine (CFKoP House WOD): 48:28


Jeff said...

Love working out with you Tim, even if you leave me in the dust whenever running is involved! And great job on pull-ups from a guy who started on the black band with the rest of us. You will kick ass at Sectionals!!!

Megs said...

Good Luck, Timmy!!! If you want I will let you borrow my sexy blue shoes! :)

Laura Pappas said...

Good luck at sectionals, I know you'll do great especially now with all your new PRs...see what happens when we actually go to strenth WODs!

KDitty said...

Go get 'em Tim!! You are going to rock sectionals!! Love the 'Nova representation.

Jerry said...

Looking forward to seeing you put it out there at sectionals Tim.... you will rock it.. Thanks for being a voice in my ear pushing me in the box... You are a motivator!!

Tim P said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement towards our solid team, and yes Jeff that black band is indeed etched in my memory. Super excited to represent KoP.

Anonymous said...

good luck coach Tim!

Ray said...

Making headbands fashionable again one WOD at a time!!!

You ARE the man, brother.

donkey said...

tim: you've been a wonderful positive influence at the box...go strong and kick some ass!

Patti said...

Tim you are going to do a great job at the 2010
games!!!! Good luck and kick some butt!!

Mike Mishik said...


Nikki said...

Hey Timmy - sorry for the late post - I'll blame it on VEGAS! You're a great coach and athlete, and I love your intensity and positive attitude. You are going to rock the sectionals!

Kerbear said...

"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion, the potential for greatness lives within each of us"

Timmy, it's great working out with you and having you as a coach. Definitely one that leads by example and it doesn't go unnoticed. You're going to do awesome at sectionals .. we'll all be cheering for you.