

8 Rounds for time of: 
 5 Power Snatch (95/135#) 
 30 Double Unders 
 200 Meter Run

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. W. Clement Stone


Colette said...

Em 22:23 75 c2
Mary 21:02 55 20 dubs c2
Jackie 19:24 6 rounds 75
Gillian 21:14 55 singles
Aimee 20:12 80 c2
Cate 19:27 c2
Jessie 24:03 85 squat clean :30 practice
Katri 17:52 hang power clean 65
Max 22:41 95
Monica 21:37 40 singles

Aimee Lyons said...


Ben 17:08 Rx
Gordy 19:36, #75, 60 SU, C2
Sarah 25:45, #55, DUA
Pam 21:45, #85, C2
Erini 24:36 #65
Shannon 23:21, 15 DU
Gina 22:28, #65, 20 DU
Keith 22:29 C2
Alex (Freaky) 21:08 #75
Edwin 19:49 Wmns Rx
Dana D. 19:08 #65
Rich 21:32 Rx
Megs 22:10 C2, #60, 20 DU
Yorman 26:42 #60, 20 DU
Carl 17:43 Rx
Matty Bo 26:10 #115

Aimee Lyons said...

4:30 pm
Grace 20:47 rx
Jeff 16:27 rx
Rakshit 21:25 15 DU 65#
Jamie 16:38 rx
MIke Mit 19:41 C2 bike 75# SU
Karen 19:43 65# c2 bike SU

Grace Hibler said...


Greg: 25:00 RX
Stephanie: 25:22 65#
Seth: 23:50 C2/ 115# single unders
Trevor: 25:23 womens RX

Danielle Gambone said...

Danielle G 20:01 rx 🤮