

Push Press

3 Rounds for time:
30 Push press (55/75)
30 Back Step Lunge (Front Rack) (55/75)

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” 
– Napoleon Hill



For Time: 
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Snatch 
115/75 - 135/95 - 155/105 - 175/115 - 185/125 
20-40-60-80-100 Double Unders

Click here to compare to 7.26.18
CLICK HERE to compare to 9.2.22

“The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.” – Kahlil Gibran



5 Rounds in a 3:00 window:
5 Deadlifts (185/275#)
10 Calories Row
Max Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
rest 2:00 between rounds.

Record total wall-ball reps each round.

 The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination. -Tommy Lasorda



In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. 
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From there on it was referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. 
Rx for the full WOD will require the weight vest (10# ladies and 20# gentlemen).

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

(10#/20# vest)

An appropriate scale for this WOD would be

("1/2 Murph"):
800M Run
50 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
800 Meter Run.

Partner "Murph" is also an option:
Two athletes complete the work together one person working at a time except on the runs. Both athletes will run an 800 together in the beginning and in the end (timer ends as the last person crosses the doorway).

Community Notes:
9:00 AM Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes.” - Maya Angelou



AMRAP in 30 Minutes: 
300 m Row 
200 m Run 
100 m Farmers carry 
75 Single Unders

Community Notes:
Today's Class - Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential. 
- Liane Cardes



9 AM at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd

For time:
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24")
50 Alternating SA Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk (35/50#)
25 Box Jump Overs (20/24")
50 SA Dumbbell Front Squats (35/50#)
25 Box Jumps (20/24")
50 SA Dumbbell Lunge (35/50#)
25 Step-ups (1x 35/50#- DB to 20/24")

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears. 
- Laird Hamilton



Split Jerk 

Partner cash out:
"you go, I go" format:

AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
5 Push Jerks (95/135#)
5 Calories Ski Erg

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters. 
- Paul “Bear” Bryant



2 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
21 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run 
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
200 Meter Run 
9 Bar Muscle Ups

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit. 
- Ken Doherty

Summer Teens Special and Kids Class Dates


Summer CrossFit Kids Classes- Saturday 10:15 AM
7/1 -Water day

Calling all High School and College Students home for summer 
$105 for the month - $250 for the summer



For time complete: 
75/55 pound Back squat, 50 reps 
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents 
75/55 pound Front Rack Lunge, 40 reps 
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents 
75/55 pound Back squat, 30 reps 
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents 
75/55 pound Front Rack Lunge, 20 reps 
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents 
75/55 pound Back squat, 10 reps 
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box (200 DeKalb) at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than 50 preaching it. 
-Knute Rockne




For time:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Unbroken Double Unders 
(cap 20:00) 

Coaches Notes: 
The Flight Simulator is a workout that challenges you in many ways. To complete this workout as prescribed, each set of double unders must be strung. This means you must complete that many in a row without stopping. After each set, you MUST break. For example, you cannot do 30 straight and then perform 20 as your next set. You must do 5, stop, 10 stop, etc...however, you control how long you stop. If you fail any set, you must start that set over. For example, if you trip on 49 of 50, you must redo the set of 50. 

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.16.23

Timed 500 M Ski

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever. -Mary Lou Retton



For time:
21-15-9 Reps of:
Thrusters (65/95#)
Lateral Burpees over the Bar

In the remaining time for max load complete: 
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean

(18 Minute Time Cap)

We at CrossFit King of Prussia are proud to support Forging Youth Resilience, a nonprofit providing under-resourced youth with access to fitness, nutrition, and mentorship. We will be hosting the IGNITE workout fundraiser in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month on Monday May 22nd with a goal of raising $2,000 for this incredible cause. Let's rally the fitness community to help us reach our goal!

Forging Youth Resilience (FYR) is a member-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with Local Clubs in cities across the country. FYR Clubs partner with fitness facilities nationwide to bring fitness, nutrition education, and mentorship to youth who otherwise would not have access to these services.

Why We Exist:
We believe in the next generation and their potential to change the world. Yet many youth do not have the same access to resources as others. Without access to resources, it’s often hard to see the bigger picture or the path forward. By providing a critical network of support and imperative skills, we help empower our athletes to tackle the challenges and continued barriers they face outside of our program. Through a foundation of functional fitness and strength training, we open their eyes to new perspectives by challenging their limits. We support them in setting goals and breaking them. Most importantly, we help them realize they are strong and capable while giving them the confidence to grow into adulthood.

Please consider donating to our fundraiser CLICK HERE to donate.

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes 9 AM Saturday 5/27 and Sunday 5/28 will be at the Lyons Den. 
Monday 5/29 - We will host Memorial Day Murph at the Box at 9 AM 
(after party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP)

Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. -Jackie Joyner-Kersee



For Time: 
25-20-15-10 reps of:
Burpees over Rower 
500/450 Row 
75 Double Unders

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“The minute we become an integrated whole, we look through the same eyes and we see a whole different world together.” – Azizah Al-Hibri



4 rounds for reps: 
1:00 calorie row 
1:00 russian kettlebell swings (53/70 lb) 
1:00 burpees 
1:00 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)(9/10 ft) 
1:00 step-ups (1 35/50# DB)
1:00 rest

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.” 
– Ani DiFranco



Front Squat 
(every 2:00 complete 5 Front Squats at 80% or higher of your 1 RM)

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes 
6 Air Bike Calories
9 Burpees
12 Dumbbell Front Squats (35/50#)

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

 “Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.” 
– Jacqueline Woodson



5 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run 
15 Knees to Elbows
9 Dumbbell Bench Press 35/50#

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know the other.” – David Spangler



3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Farmers Carry (35/50# DB)
20 Box Jumps (20/24")
15 Squat Cleans (105/155#)

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race.” – Cicero




The Other CrossFit Total
 1 RM Clean
1 RM  Bench press
1 RM Overhead squat

 Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.9.23

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.”
 – Mark Hyman



6 Rounds for time of:
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Bar Muscle Ups
1:00 Air Bike
10 Clean and Jerks (65/95#)
10 Push-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)

Community Notes:

READY TO COMPETE - Brawl in the Burbs Saturday, July 22nd 8 AM for our annual 4 Person Team competition (mm/ff). Sign up on competition corner, https://competitioncorner.net/events/10029 

READY TO LEARN - Seminars/Clinics 
May 20th - 10:00 AM - FREE Nutrition Lecture and Muscle Up and Macro Kick off! 
May 27/28th- Level 2 CrossFit Seminar 
June 17/18th-Burgerner Weightlifting 
June 24/25th - Level 1 CrossFit Seminar Sign up at crossfit.com 

Muscle up and Macros - $250 Join Aimee and Colette for a special program focusing on gymnastic skills and nutrition. This program lasts for a month and includes: InBody scans and photos Personalized skill programming with a focus on Ring Muscle Up, Butterfly Pull-ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups and Handstand Skills. Macros,Meals ideas and recipes and more. 
In person dates 5/22, 5/31, 6/5, 6/14 - 5:30 PM Kick off 5/20 10 AM - Final test 6/16 4:30 PM 

JOIN US TO HONOR - Memorial Day Murph Monday 5/29 at 9 AM at the box we will honor hero Lt. Michael Murphy. After-party and BBQ at the Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. KOP 

JOIN US TO SUPPORT FYR AND FUNDRAISE for CFKOP Youth - Monday 5/22 in ALL classes, we are hosting the FYR Ignite workout and fundraiser, please consider a donation, no amount too small to help our under-resourced youth. https://secure.givelively.org/teams/fyr/ignite-workout-fundraiser-2023/crossfit-kop

“The golden way is to be friends with the world and to regard the whole human family as one.” 
– Mahatma Gandhi




AMRAP in 35 Minutes: 
800m Run
 30 Burpees 
(Wear a weight vest)

"If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way mom told you to in the beginning." - Unknown

Spring Newsletter


We hope you can join us to compete, learn, honor and support our Community! 



21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster (75/115#)
Power Snatch (75/115#)
Air Bike Calories

 “Wounding and healing are not opposites. They’re part of the same thing. It is our wounds that enable us to be compassionate with the wounds of others. It is our limitations that make us kind to the limitations of other people. It is our loneliness that helps us to find other people or to even know they’re alone with an illness. I think I have served people perfectly with parts of myself I used to be ashamed of. ” ― Rachel Naomi Remen




For time: 
100 pull-ups 
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups 
100 squats 

 Scaling: This chipper should push your muscular stamina while being metabolically taxing. Drop the reps and modify the movements for the exercises you struggle with. Try to avoid any one exercise taking more than 8 minutes.
CLICK HERE to compare results 1.11.23

“Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember. To me, they are proof of the fact that there is healing.” ― Linda Hogan



5 Rounds for time of:
55 Double Unders
5 Push Jerks (125/185#)

“I think that little by little I’ll be able to solve my problems and survive.” ― Frida Kahlo

Supply Drive

This month, we will be gathering supplies for disadvantaged children in Venezuela through the Del Carmen Foundation. 
School Supplies needed: Colored pencils, erasers, glue sticks, rulers, crayons, notebooks, pencil cases, and sharpeners. 
Sports Equipment needed: Futsal balls (similar to soccer), basketballs, baseballs, baseball bats, futsal nets, shin guards, goalkeeper gloves, baseball helmets, and basketball nets. 

Donations can be brought to CFKOP.
For questions or more details, please email the Del Carmen Foundation at info@delcarmenfoundation.org or chat with Rich Andrews



For time:
400 M Walking Lunge


AMRAP in 15 Minutes with a partner:
10 ring muscle-ups 200-m run with a partner – One partner works and one rests during the muscle-ups.

“Every time you hurt, you heal. After darkness, there is always light and you get reminded of this every morning but still, you choose to believe that the night will last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good or the bad. So you might as well smile while you’re here.” — Iain S. Thomas



Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

Sprint Cash out:
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Clean (65/95#)
2-4-6-8-10 Shuttle Sprint (20ft)

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.3.23

“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.”
 ― S. Kelley Harrell




3 Rounds for time of: 
500 meter row 
12 body weight deadlifts 
21 box jumps (20/24")

Cash out:
Strict C2B Pull-ups

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.5.23

“Just like there’s always time for pain, there’s always time for healing.” ― Jennifer Brown



Every 10 minutes for 4 Rounds:
500 M Ski
400 M Run
500 M Row

(score is the slowest round)

10:15 Sunday Lifting with Taylor
15 Minutes to build to a:
Power Clean + Low Hang Clean + Clean

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." – Peter Marshall



Partner AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
"you go, I go- full rounds"

7/9 Calories Ski Erg
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (35/50#)
2 Wall Walks

"Courage isn't having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don't have the strength." 
– Napoleon Bonaparte



Take 15 Minutes to build to a heavy 1 RM OHS....


Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 
3 strict handstand push-ups 
3 overhead squats 
6 strict handstand push-ups 
3 overhead squats 
9 strict handstand push-ups 
3 overhead squats 
12 strict handstand push-ups 
6 overhead squats 
15 strict handstand push-ups 
6 overhead squats 
18 strict handstand push-ups 
6 overhead squats 
21 strict handstand push-ups 
9 overhead squats 

(Ladies 95#/Gentlemen 135#)

Continue until time expires, adding 3 handstand pushups each round and 3 overhead squats every 3 rounds. 

"Someone I once loved gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift." – Mary Oliver



For time:
Run 800 Meters
 Then, 50-40-30-20-10 reps of the couplet:
Wallball Shots (14/20#)
Box Jumps (20/24")
Then, run 800 Meters

"No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That's the only way to keep the roads clear." – Greg Kincaid



5 Rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climbs (20ft)
4 Squat Cleans (135/205#)
40 Double Unders

"No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That's the only way to keep the roads clear." 
– Greg Kincaid




Shoulder press 5 RM

Cash out: 
AMRAP in 12 Minutes: 
8 Toes to bar 
12 Pistols 
14/16 Calorie Row

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.17.23

"It is our attitude toward events, not events themselves, which we can control. Nothing is by its own nature calamitous – even death is terrible only if we fear it." – Epictetus

Jeff Paul- Athlete Spotlight

Help us celebrate Jeff Paul in being our May Member of the Month!

How long have you been at CF KOP?
I’ve been at KOP since March of 2018. Like many I did step away to explore parking lot/basement fitness during the pandemic but came back in early September of 2021 when I was struggling to find motivation by myself.

We see your dedication to the sport, what is your main motivator? 
My main motivator … hmm… to see if I can reach the next level. Whether that’s a new skill, greater capacity, or a heavier lift. I always want to see what’s next and what I can do.

Competitions, love em or hate em?
Oh Jeez… mixed bag here. I do love competing and also despise it.  Competition in my eyes is the greatest exposer of weaknesses there is and it takes a lot to swallow that when it happens sometimes. No one is harder on myself about them than me… but it fuels my drive to patch the gaps and be better. Often the win doesn’t come from the competition itself… actually very rarely… the win shows up months later when you’ve turned that weakness into anything but a weakness.

What goals are you currently working on, inside or outside of the gym?
My goals in and out of the gym. Both to help and inspire people to become better. Whether through being stuck together for a few years in parking lots, the occasional tip or trick shares in chit chat, or as general inspiration… my hope is that I can somehow have a positive impact on peoples performance, outlook, and life.

What is the biggest challenge for you inside the gym?
My biggest challenge inside of the gym, being easier on myself and celebrating small victories. I have the highest expectations for myself and I have a tendency to be overly critical. I’ve been working on celebrating things that deserve it and being more forgiving to myself when something doesn’t go how I expected.

What is your favorite sport to watch and why?
Hockey and Football. Hockeys always been my favorite sport to watch. Its speed, precision, and ferocity grabbed my attention as a child. As an adult that’s still fun to watch, but the nuances of strategy, matchups, line shifts, and plays add another layer of intrigue. Football for the same reason, the creativity of plays, understanding each position and their role all make it much more fun to watch.

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD and why?
 My favorite CrossFit wod used to be my least favorite… Fran. I remember one of the first times I did it I thought I died, literally died. And it took me some 5ish minutes to do. I would hear stories or watch videos of elite athletes hitting the 2min mark and say “not a chance I’d ever get there”. Well 10 years later at 39yrs old I did Fran in 2:07… and it became one of my favorites. 

Congrats Jeff!