
Jeff Paul- Athlete Spotlight

Help us celebrate Jeff Paul in being our May Member of the Month!

How long have you been at CF KOP?
I’ve been at KOP since March of 2018. Like many I did step away to explore parking lot/basement fitness during the pandemic but came back in early September of 2021 when I was struggling to find motivation by myself.

We see your dedication to the sport, what is your main motivator? 
My main motivator … hmm… to see if I can reach the next level. Whether that’s a new skill, greater capacity, or a heavier lift. I always want to see what’s next and what I can do.

Competitions, love em or hate em?
Oh Jeez… mixed bag here. I do love competing and also despise it.  Competition in my eyes is the greatest exposer of weaknesses there is and it takes a lot to swallow that when it happens sometimes. No one is harder on myself about them than me… but it fuels my drive to patch the gaps and be better. Often the win doesn’t come from the competition itself… actually very rarely… the win shows up months later when you’ve turned that weakness into anything but a weakness.

What goals are you currently working on, inside or outside of the gym?
My goals in and out of the gym. Both to help and inspire people to become better. Whether through being stuck together for a few years in parking lots, the occasional tip or trick shares in chit chat, or as general inspiration… my hope is that I can somehow have a positive impact on peoples performance, outlook, and life.

What is the biggest challenge for you inside the gym?
My biggest challenge inside of the gym, being easier on myself and celebrating small victories. I have the highest expectations for myself and I have a tendency to be overly critical. I’ve been working on celebrating things that deserve it and being more forgiving to myself when something doesn’t go how I expected.

What is your favorite sport to watch and why?
Hockey and Football. Hockeys always been my favorite sport to watch. Its speed, precision, and ferocity grabbed my attention as a child. As an adult that’s still fun to watch, but the nuances of strategy, matchups, line shifts, and plays add another layer of intrigue. Football for the same reason, the creativity of plays, understanding each position and their role all make it much more fun to watch.

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD and why?
 My favorite CrossFit wod used to be my least favorite… Fran. I remember one of the first times I did it I thought I died, literally died. And it took me some 5ish minutes to do. I would hear stories or watch videos of elite athletes hitting the 2min mark and say “not a chance I’d ever get there”. Well 10 years later at 39yrs old I did Fran in 2:07… and it became one of my favorites. 

Congrats Jeff!

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