6am Alex 21:58 Rx Subhan 18:28 185# hex/ 105# Larissa 18:02 115#/ 165#/ ROM Brennan 20:55 165#/ 105#/ ROM Anthony 21:15 115#/ 65# ROM Ethan 21:53 225#/ 95#/ ROM
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.
Alex 21:58 Rx
Subhan 18:28 185# hex/ 105#
Larissa 18:02 115#/ 165#/ ROM
Brennan 20:55 165#/ 105#/ ROM
Anthony 21:15 115#/ 65# ROM
Ethan 21:53 225#/ 95#/ ROM
Mary 12:15 6 rounds 115#/ 55#/ ROM
Jackie 14:39 knee-up
Cate 17:40 Rx
Aimee 6:11 5 rounds 153#/ 73#/ v-up
Abby 15:52 53#/ 103#/ ROM
Ben 13:03 88# press/ v-up
Keith 19:05 225#/ 95#
Pam 14:49 Rx
Sarah 18:41 135# and 115# DL/ 65#/ ROM
Gent 15:28 135#/ 65#/ ROM
Chloe 16:30 145#/ 70#/ ROM
Shannon 13:53 Rx
Edwin 21:02 Rx
Megs 8:12 44# KB/ 30# DB/ v-up
Gordy 14:52 trap bar
I wish it could be 165# but 65# overhead! 😂
Shoot my bad🤣
Matt D 17:20 225#/ 115#
Matt B 20:50 Rx
Matt P 12:27 women’s Rx
Jeff 12:06 Rx TTB
Grace 11:07 135#/ TTB
Trevor 19:06 6 rounds ROM
Korynne 15:32 Rx
Camila 10:30 42#/ 21#/ knee raises
Nat 15:18 145# hex/ 75#
Freaky 12:55 Rx
Eric 16:40 225#/ 115#
Karen 14:08 145#/ 65#/ ROM
Graysen 15:22 135#/ 55#/ ROM
Mike 12:27 womens Rx
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