For Time:
3 Rounds of:
6 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
12 Toes to Bar
10/12 Calorie Air Bike
3 Rounds of
6 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
12 Pullups
10/12 Calorie Air Bike
3 Round of:
6 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
6 Bar Muscle ups
10/12 Calorie Air Bike
“A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will seek for it in vain elsewhere.”
— La Rochefoucauld
Subhan 30:46 50#/ 2 BMU
Bill 29:35 35#/ Alt. V-Ups/ banded pull ups
Brennan 30:38 50#/ ROM TTB/ jumping pull ups and muscle ups
Alex 31:45 50#/ JBMU (torn up hand)
Larissa 28:58 25#/ JBMU
Anthony 30:44 35#/ Alt. V-Ups/ banded pull ups/ jump to support on low bar
Kevin 29:32 50#/ ROM TTB/ banded pull ups/ JBMU
Aimee 26:14 45# reverse order
Mary 23:39 25# 8 ttb 8 pull ups 8 cals 3 banded bmu
Jackie 24:46 45# 8ttb 8 pull ups 2 bmu
Cate 26:06 40# c2b for bmu
Pete D 21:33 (no 3rd Rd)
Carl 30:00 2 /3/1 BMU
Pam 21:16 8/8/4 gymnastic reps
Sarah B 20:46 2 Rds of each 30#/ROM TTB band
Megs 20:08 C2 Bike 35 SU/V-up/GHD/bentover row
Gordy 18:15 C2 bike 40# banded BMU
Tucker 29:00 55# 3 BMU
Chloe 25:38 8 cals/ 10 TTB/10 Pullup/JBMU/Banded BMU
Gent 29:59 50# band/JBMU
Keith 21:49 2 rds of each
Edwin 22:22 45# 8/8/3 gymnastic reps hips to bar
Erini 23:17 25#/hips to bar C2 bike
Eric 29:28 55# 6 BMU attempts (first 3 BMU!!!!!!)
Shannon 21:54 rx
Geoff 26:06 Row 25#C2B
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