

All for time:
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Burpees 
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Toes to Bar

Rest 2:00

15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Burpees 
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Toes to Bar

Rest 2:00

15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Burpees 
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Toes to Bar

(Ladies 35#/ Gentlemen 50#)

“To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.” – Picabo Street


Colette said...

Monica 14:32 15# rom
Erini 17:09 25#
Jackie 15:21 30# db front squat 1/2 ttb 1/2 rom
Mary 16:10 15# 10 burpee 10 ttb
Em G 15:25 25# rom

Colette said...

Colette 13:14rx

Mark Spak said...


Kristen 19:18 20#, KR
Julia 18:20 25#
Shannon 20:52 RX
Larissa 16:32 20#
Alex 15:45 35# FS, T2P
Brian 15:40 RX

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 14:05 25#
Cate 13:39 25#

Ana C 14:49 25#
Kevin H 16:41 40#
Megs 15:28=7 20#
Dana H :)
Gina 16:30 20#/ 6 TTB per round
Carl B 18:55 rx
Bettie 16:09 TTPole 20# Athletic burpees
Pam 14:35 15# 2x rds/ 20 1 rd
Keith 16:20 25# ttb rom
Rich A 17:38 rx
Geoff 15:54 10 burpees ROM TTB 25#

Taylor W said...

JPJR 14:22 rx
General M 15:46 25#
Edwin 18:36 rom 30#
Grayson 19:10 15# 1/2 rom
Matty Boh 19:34 35# rom
Freaky 20:39 rx
Karen 19:19 rom 25#
Mitter 18:10 sc
Smutek 17:45 sc

5:30 16:41 20# rom
Max 20:15 35# Romish
Sciest 16:39 rx
Jamie S 17:35 rx
DAni G 10 TTB
DAni C 18:10 rom 20#
Tori 17:13 20# ROM
Sandra 18:20 20# knee up
Seth 17:53 knee up 8 burpees 35#